Hello Everybody, New Pandora Owner Here!


Still Fresh
May 30, 2012
Greetings, I just wanted to introduce myself a little bit here on the forums.

I've been lurking around the Open Pandora scene since the device was thrown out in the open and announced all those years ago and have finally decided to create an account on these boards now that I am now the official owner of a brand new Rebirth edition Pandora off Ebay.

I had never pre-ordered the Pandora due to never having any money back when the project was in its infancy, and managed to find an unopened Rebirth last week on Ebay and snagged it up for the amazingly cheap price of 325, not bad considering it was untouched and even came with two 32gb SD cards. It was nice finally being able to afford one of these beautiful devices.

I've been the owner of a GP32, a Sony PSP, GP2X Wiz, and now I'm going back to my dream machine that I could never afford and/or obtain after all these years of lust...the Open Pandora! Emulation has always been my interest, and classic games are what I like to collect. Lately I've been particularly interested in Sega Genesis collecting.

The Pandora is the system I've been wanting since 2003 when I picked up my GP32, and finally I've obtained that goal.The thing that really attracts me about the Pandora is it is a GNU/Linux computer first, and a gaming system second. I'm hoping I can be a fun part of this great community and will continue to stay around and contribute.
Hi and welcome, Viral!

I see you've got Mega Man at the left-hand side of your avatar, so you're off to a great start already. ;) (So says the local Mega Man nut.)
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Hi and welcome, Viral!

I see you've got Mega Man at the left-hand side of your avatar, so you're off to a great start already. ;) (So says the local Mega Man nut.)

Prometheus, you and I are going to get along just fine then. I am also a Mega Man nut. Mega is by far my favorite series of all time, no matter what the game (except Battle Network Transmission on the Gamecube, no amount of love can save that one.).
I am also a Mega Man nut. Mega is by far my favorite series of all time, no matter what the game (except Battle Network Transmission on the Gamecube, no amount of love can save that one.).
noooo!!!!! Not yet an other one !

kidding, welcome here ;)
Greetings every bodz and peeps.

Just wanted to say that I'm now a noob Pandora owner! :D

I received my Pandora from :wub: Cloudef :wub: this morning and then spent an hour playing with the settings and stuff. Loving it so far. Time to have a look at DinoDefense on the actual machine before I start adding even more to it than I have already...
Don't be shallow like Hal...It's what's inside that counts

& Hello Viral
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Greetings every bodz and peeps.

Just wanted to say that I'm now a noob Pandora owner! :D

I received my Pandora from :wub: Cloudef :wub: this morning and then spent an hour playing with the settings and stuff. Loving it so far. Time to have a look at DinoDefense on the actual machine before I start adding even more to it than I have already...

Wow somehow I imagined you'd already owned a pandora.... did you hear back from mr.gonzo or did he vanish? ...
Mr Gonzo vanished off the face of the earth unfortunately. Shame. His artwork and my ideas for Zomb'd could have ruled the world. Well, our bedrooms anyway.

As for owning a Pandora, nope, never. I did everything for DinoDefense and MinedOut! without ever seeing, holding or owning one. I had to guess how powerful the Pandora was and try to limit what I put into the game, just in case the Pandora couldn't cope with it. Now I can see if it can handle the things I wanted to include.
HI dear,,,,

Thanks for visiting yourself on this forum... Hopefully you're going to get great results.....

Now this can be used forum to talk about your problems and experience...