I have seen these 2 games and from what I can recall people on the forum did not have much praise for them... Are there any other commercial games projects going on ? I guess it depends a lot on the installed based on pandora owners out there, as well. Chicken and Egg...
Cloudef said he'll be sending me his spare Pandora sometime this week, so (hopefully) I won't need any support to continue development for DD or the many other games I have planned. Thanks for the mention though PowerGod
Once I get the Pandora, I will remove the Donate buttons. I did actually get one donation (which was very gratefully received) which has been used for postage for the Pandora. Thanks again to that person B)
Cloudef said he'll be sending me his spare Pandora sometime this week, so (hopefully) I won't need any support to continue development for DD or the many other games I have planned. Thanks for the mention though PowerGod
Once I get the Pandora, I will remove the Donate buttons. I did actually get one donation (which was very gratefully received) which has been used for postage for the Pandora. Thanks again to that person B)