This is a common problem across most emulators; ST and Amiga emus (evenj on desktops) commonly have such an issue; DOS emus to a lesser extent.
The problem is that these older mouse systems didn't use 'drivers' per se, and had simple serial mice -- the mouse woudl be reporting "moving left". Theres no easy way to just tell the OS "hey, jump to (x,y)", the best you can do is try to fake it .. "I think mouse was at (x,y), and now needs to be at (x2,y2), so keep pretending to hti "move left" really quick until it gets there"; but in code, you can't really tell where it is, so an app may have jumped it around, or the OS may have had a resolution change, or other things, so you cannot easily guess. So it gets offset. (now DOS did in fact use mouse drivers, so emus can implement a pseudo mouse driver, and have a much better shot at it.)
In desktop emus, you tend to actually be _using a mouse_, so it works out pretty well; but using a touchscreen, where mouse teleports all over, is much harder.
Some emus really go nuts, and pull it off.. but msot don't.
So yeah, it sorts of a pain, but not too much can be done about it withotu a huge amount of work
I tend to use the nubs for mouse control instead

(ie: they work mouse-like, so work nicely)