N-gage Emulation

nvr heard about emu on n-gage... dont bother tho. the screen on a qd is like half the size of a gp32
I'm looking to buy anything in the £200 - £300 marjin ( this is a thread hi jack ) can any1 recomend anything i was looking at Zodiac's but maybe that would be deceitful i just want 2 find something great like the gp32 again : (
yeh i got about 5 emulators on my ngage but too lazy to put roms on the :D
but when i get roms id take the ngage option to save smc space for my gp32, cos i also have a 128mb card for the ngage.
Lethe posted on Aug 28 2004 at 03:23 PM said:
im waiting for the psp which will woop zodiac, n-gage, ds, giz, and yes even gp32

I dont know. In the past many of Sony's mobile ventures have been flops. Take the Minidisc for example. It was ruined by Sony's ATRAC format. Im sure that the PSP will take time to be modded and then an emulation and homebrew scene may start up.
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Lethe posted on Aug 28 2004 at 08:23 PM said:
im waiting for the psp which will woop zodiac, n-gage, ds, giz, and yes even gp32

PSP could blow away NDS, N-GAGE and GIZ (if GIZ doesn't go opensource or homebrew)

but PSP has nothing to do against GP32 scene and even ZODIAC scene

they are diferent kinds of consoles

but soon, GP32 II will rise the world of portable gaming devices :lol:

bye! :)
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i have a normal n-gage and ithink its ok. Nes emulatyion is good gb too. Megadrive is like gp but the sound is worse. Watching mpegs on it is cool too. The screen is very small (normal one anyway) but i got it mainly for a phone:D. Oh yeah mame was ok on it too and i think frod ois on it too but not tryed it.
Mark posted on Aug 28 2004 at 10:24 PM said:
Let's not be fanboyish here, but how is the PSP going to whoop the DS in Homebrew? It provides nothing that can't be done on the DS.

One simple thing will hinder the DS for emus. The screen resolution is not high enough. It is only slightly higher than the GBA which is 240 x 160. Compare that to the Genesis for example which is 320 x 220. While the GP32 does it perfectly the DS would need to cut out some res for Genesis which would suck.

The PSP on the otherhand has plenty of resolution to handle it. Although with the PSPs proprietary disc format, homebrew may not be possible at all without hardware mods.
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unlucky posted on Aug 28 2004 at 07:07 PM said:
I'm looking to buy anything in the £200 - £300 marjin ( this is a thread hi jack ) can any1 recomend anything i was looking at Zodiac's but maybe that would be deceitful i just want 2 find something great like the gp32 again : (

Why? what is wrong with the GP32?
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That's exactly what I was thinking. I just ordered my first GP32, and from what I gather (and what I've played around with on GeePee32 to check it out) emulation is already excellent on it! Why would you want something new already?

The only consoles that GP32 doesn't emulate already, that would be feasible for next-gen handhelds (for various reasons), are Amiga and N64. Now Amiga would be fairly cool, but without a mouse just wouldn't be right. And N64? Well, I owned a Doctor V64 backup unit in the N64's heyday and was active in the scene, so I can literally say I've played *every* English release on it (and many Japanese), and there are precious few games I would want to play on it these days, even as a handheld.

Oh, I thought of something else which would be nice -- a newer version of MAME. But those roms end up taking soooo much room...

Anyway, my point is -- why? Get a new handheld for the games which will be released FOR that handheld. Whether that be PSP or DS, is a matter of taste (me, I'm leaning towards DS, but I won't be buying either for at least a couple of years after release, when the price becomes more reasonable).

Now, back to waiting for my GP32... :P
Gotcha. Yeah, that kinda sucks, you're in the middle of a dry spell before all the new systems get released... so if you buy something now, chances are in 6 months or so it will be obsolete.

Maybe grab a PDA, that would certainly have plenty of gadgetry to play around with?