Hardcore Game Vs Casual Games

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i think even the most 'hardcore' player needs a little something to just pick up and play once in a while. i know i wouldnt be able to live on one form of game alone.
world of warcraft if the single game taking up most of my time now. it has elements of action, a strong story backing it, and it really can be fun to work together with other people in it. its not really what id call vexing tho, so for a thinking game i prefer ut2k4s ctf (not exactly a puzzle game, but i like getting into the heads of the enemy), and to relax i like mahjonng a hell of a lot (freeverses burning monkey version). world of warcraft is probably gonna stay top of my list because its as hardcore as you make it.
You say Pokemon offered you over 100 hours, but how much of that was wasted getting in boring random encounters or levelling your pokemon? Without this, the game is pretty small I reckon. There are 200 pokemon, but many are highly similar and the game has a very basic story (catch them all, defeat increasingly difficult "gym leaders", defeat rival). Get rid of the time wasted improving stats and there is a very limited game.

I'm currently playing through Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) and you could call it 'hardcore'. I'm liking it, but most of my gaming hours are spent fighting the same boring enemies every 5 metres. The story is good so I won't quit, but japanese games in particular like to pretend they are more epic than they really are.
In terms of RPGs all that pointless leveling IS part of the game. you came decrease the play time by removing random enconters and leleving because that IS the game, it's the whole point, without that you might as well be reading a book. World of warcraft without fighting Mobs and lelve grinding is just a chatroom with 3D avatars.... hell "THERE" is exactly that and even IT has leveling!

As for Nintendogs, I dont know , I haven't played it at all so I dont know, but unless it has ome form of training aspect that can be measured in some form of numerical increments I dont think I'd call it a game at all and thus not a hardcore game by extention of that fact. (except if you're really into playing "extreme fetch" or something.) But I'm not sprised it was purchased more by women or girls; it's cute and non threatening, it dosen't objectify women, and it offers an emotional attachment (which could be why your girlfriends forget about them, they have you to "play" with they dont need another "pet"!)
You say Pokemon offered you over 100 hours, but how much of that was wasted getting in boring random encounters or levelling your pokemon? Without this, the game is pretty small I reckon. There are 200 pokemon, but many are highly similar and the game has a very basic story (catch them all, defeat increasingly difficult "gym leaders", defeat rival). Get rid of the time wasted improving stats and there is a very limited game.

I'm currently playing through Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) and you could call it 'hardcore'. I'm liking it, but most of my gaming hours are spent fighting the same boring enemies every 5 metres. The story is good so I won't quit, but japanese games in particular like to pretend they are more epic than they really are.

Well, I remember playing old LucasArt point and click games, and I "wasted" hours trying to figure out what to do.

Speaking of Pokemon, I'm not a huge fan of it, and I didn't play any Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire two years ago. Having said that it's not fair to say most pokemons are just similar to each other, and not much into them. From my memory, there are different types of pokemon such as water, fire, rock, dragon, and more that have classic paper-rock-scissor relationship among them. Then, there are male and female pokemons, which you can breed. (You can get some pokemons only through breeding) Then, there is a character types to each individual pokemons that determines which will have faster time leveling up, fighting, or winning the beauty contest, and so on. You may call all these waste of time, but then, it's like my wife saying playing game is waste of time. :)

Anyway, that was the only game that I've bought the guidebook for it, and one of only few games that I can justify a guidebook because I don't think I could've collected all 200 without the book.
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As for Nintendogs, I dont know , I haven't played it at all so I dont know, but unless it has ome form of training aspect that can be measured in some form of numerical increments I dont think I'd call it a game at all and thus not a hardcore game by extention of that fact. (except if you're really into playing "extreme fetch" or something.) But I'm not sprised it was purchased more by women or girls; it's cute and non threatening, it dosen't objectify women, and it offers an emotional attachment (which could be why your girlfriends forget about them, they have you to "play" with they dont need another "pet"!)

I have Nintendog, and frankly, I don't like it too much. It's more of taking care of you puppy game than anything else. By the way, I thought about some games that appealed a lot to women: Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Sims, Tetris, and Pacman. You know what's the common among them? There is no set goal to them. It's rather sandbox-ish just enjoy the moment without too much consquences type of games. So, it's true that men are goal-oriented, and women are the opposite?
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Society makes people goal oriented. So women can be just as screwed up as Men in that regard. I think it's more like what I was saying. while these games are indeed sandboxes they also have nothing generally offensive to women.

As a guy would you buy games that constantly talk down to you, generalize or stereotype your gender, or otherwise show you in an unflatering light? Probably not, and this is the reason why female gamers feel so ignored, because most games do exactly that to women. So they'll play Nindendogs, tetris, Sims and Urbs and even the occasional MMORPG as long as they can keep people guessing about their true gender and arn't playing a game where "shiney metal bra +5" is their most protective piece of equipment.
In terms of RPGs all that pointless leveling IS part of the game. you came decrease the play time by removing random enconters and leleving because that IS the game, it's the whole point, without that you might as well be reading a book. World of warcraft without fighting Mobs and lelve grinding is just a chatroom with 3D avatars.... hell "THERE" is exactly that and even IT has leveling!

well wow isnt just grinding mobs to level up. you can get to the current level cap of 60 quite fast, and while you level up as well as when youre at the cap you can indulge in some (a lot.. too much) pvp stuff against other players. i admit some of them play worse than the ai mobs, but sometimes its a really good challenge and gets the blood pumping. also, the massive endgame dungeons give you goals to work for and you need specific tactics for each one, plus you need to work out what those tactics are on your own. im quite lucky to be part of a guild thats large enough to do everything the game has (the white dragons), but even if youre not theres still plenty to do besides grinding.
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Well I will give you that. WoW seems to be one of the smarter MMORPG's for your money. I don't play but half the guys in my office dont let 15 minutes go by without talking about it. But seeing as I've exhausted my patience for the MMORPG genre there's not likely to be a single thing that could get me to play it.
I own Pokemon Red, which i stole from an old friend, and enjoyed it for the most part, me being a fan of RPG's, but there are little things that hamper the game. First is that the pokemon ARE almost the same. Yes each pokemon looks different but all Fire pokemon are going to have the same abilities, unless you teach them something else. and the same go for all the other types of pokemon. So they all look different, but are all the same in terms of avability. There is NO replay value to this at all. The story itself is very boring, you cannot just "breeze" through any given area because of forced trainer battles. But this game is surpisingly fun to play with a friend and battle each others pokemon. Which redeems this title. Mostly geared to kids, i wouldn't call pokemon hardcore, but we all know how well it sold.

As for Mmporgs, i currently play a little know one, and suprisingly good. The graphics are ok, but the best thing is the unlimited character potential. Right now i have a rogue that has 350,000hp and 160,000mp. There are some hardcore players that have over 1mil of each, making them a force in pk'ing. There are vita attacks and magic attacks that deplete your vita or mana within the attack too, which is a cool aspect i haven't seen in other mmporgs i've tried.
The game is called Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds, more info at Nexus
I am wondering whether I'm a hardcore game player & collector or a casual game player? :unsure:

I'm sure all of us have some of both, just different amount of the mixture. Some are more of hardcore gamers while others are slightly more of casual gamers, and sometimes, they switch depending on the games that they see. Black and white logic only exists in comic books and Bush's mind.
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I am wondering whether I'm a hardcore game player & collector or a casual game player?  :unsure:

I'm sure all of us have some of both, just different amount of the mixture. Some are more of hardcore gamers while others are slightly more of casual gamers, and sometimes, they switch depending on the games that they see. Black and white logic only exists in comic books and Bush's mind.

Cool! You're right! Thanks for your enlightenment man. :)
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