Happy Birthday EvilDragon

Happy birthday ED, hope you take a nice day off for yourself.

On a sidenote, shouldn't this thread be in the offtopic general talk section?
Happy birthday ED.

For once, you won't be short of sleep because you worked on Pandora
Many happy returns ED. Hopefully next year will be less stressful so that you will only actually age one standard earth year.

Still the grey is not showing in your hair, too much, which is a good thing. :p

Happy birthday to you,

Stick your head down the loo,

If you taste it don't waste it,

Happy birthday to you!


Seriously, though, happy birthday, ED. You'd better be having a great time! :)
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I'm pretty sure you weren't born today (or yesterday for that matter), so I'll assume this is an anniversary of your birth vs. your actual day of birth.

In that case, Happy Womb liberation anniversary day!