Hm, let's see.
I played Doom 3, but it was more of a chore. Atmoshere my ass, people seems to confuse "athmosphere" with "dark like a bear's colon"; if you want athmosphere play Undying - that is a really great game.
Anyway, back to Doom 3. It's not that it was entirely crappy. It was just so... Quake done badly. Whenever you entered something with the lights on, you could tell that they were going to break and you were usually right. I played the game for 10 minutes (counted after the chaos started) and could not only anticipate where the monsters would come from, but actually prophesize. "Yay, and something shall brust through that vent just about nowish." - 4 seconds wait - vent bursts open.
It was fun sometimes. Ramming into an enemy with the chainsaw purring was still very satisfying, but mostly it felt just plainly boring.
So it's not Doom 3 for me.
Halo 2. Haven't played because I don't have an XBOX and I didn't like the first one. Halo 1 severely pissed me off by only allowing me to carry 2 weapons at a time. Ever so often, I come back to the game and start playing again, thinking that everyone says it's so great and that I probably only have to push a little further, probably it's only the beginning... last time I gave up on the Covenant spacecraft. Go into room. Baddies spawn. Shoot baddies. Marines arives. Go into next room. Baddies spawn. Shoot baddies. Marines get killed. Marines arrive. Go into next room....
Driving around in the Jeep was fun, but it was a pain in the ass to control that thing with the keyboard. Full speed or stop are the only options and that just doesn't cut it

So, if Halo 2 is just a continuation of Halo 1, I fear won't like that either.
Half Life 2. Now that sounds interesting. I liked the first Half Life, not to an extend as some people do (finish it in 56 minutes and the likes), but I liked it. I was intrigued by Half Life 2, wanted to get it - until I heard about the Steam Activation. I thought "That can't be so bad".... then I read the EULA (basically they write that they reserve the right to charge you for using Steam any time they want, that they may stop Steam any time they want [disabling you to install your game], that they still own the product and that they may fuck with you in any way they want, and without lubrication too) and watched that activation process in action. They data they want blatantly break the Telemediarecht and also the Telekommunikationsgesetz (§§91ff), furthermore there is BVerfGE65,1[45] and the TDG (those are all German laws, but what the heck, just wanted to get that off my back), also it took 3 hours to install this game! That was the moment when I took the 55€ I had put aside for Half Life 2 and swore myself never to use this money to buy HL2. You are not even allowed to sell the game, dammit! This was actually the first I thought about pirating out of spite. you can't rent it, there is no Demo and if you don`t like it, neither the shop you bought it in nor Valve will take it back (the shop because it's open and we all know how easily CDs are copied and keys are written down and Valve because of their EULA - believe me, happened to a friend of mine. Nice thing is,
you have to unpack the game to read the EULA, and THEN if you disagree with it, you can't even give it back and get your money back
because it is unpacked).
So.... I have some problems with all those games, basically

Maybe HL2 is a good game, I don't know. I would really like to play it, but I won't pay for it because of the Steam activation.
So, in conclusion, I didn't vote