Half Life port please :)

Half-life apparently utalised the quake2 engine or something, plus its way bigger than 128mb, or even 256mb without cd, switching. I really wish a modern fps would be made portable (ie. immediately post quake2 era...)

If you want more info, just check the pocketquake forums, people really want half-life to be made portable...me, I'd like system shock!
Gir posted on Oct 8 2003 at 03:29 AM said:
Half-life apparently utalised the quake2 engine or something, plus its way bigger than 128mb, or even 256mb without cd, switching. I really wish a modern fps would be made portable (ie. immediately post quake2 era...)

If you want more info, just check the pocketquake forums, people really want half-life to be made portable...me, I'd like system shock!
HL had a very heavily modified Quake1 engine, actually. it still wouldn't run good on GP32 well.
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that isnt the whole hl source, i think its just the part for mod developers, right?
hmm but what about HL2 the soucre ist out so... :D
but since HL2 is based on HL1 it should be possible to make a hl1 only version... and that could then be ported and perhaps even run with 1fps :D
NiN^_^NiN posted on Oct 9 2003 at 01:36 AM said:
Well quake1 can be played on the gp32 at very high framerates if some1 could continue the development i tryed but the gp32 source of quake wont compile :\

I think craigix got it to compile in some compiler... it was on a thread ages ago, mite be worth looking up.
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