

Still Fresh
Jan 27, 2008
Since I'm probably gonna get a GP2X soon, I was looking at footage of the Quake port, and it got me thinking, since Half-Life uses a modified Quake engine and GP2X has a great port of Quake would Half-Life be possible?
icurafu said:
Half life is more than a mod. It can't be ported without the HL source.
Yes I am very aware of that, and I'm not actually a developer however would an SDK count as source?
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no. not possible, sorry. I am really drunkn at hte moment but still, do you think if it were possibel noonbe would have attemoted that in the two yeares or so the gp2x ahs been out already? Woudl be cool, but won't happen.
xnopasaranx said:
no. not possible, sorry. I am really drunkn at hte moment but still, do you think if it were possibel noonbe would have attemoted that in the two yeares or so the gp2x ahs been out already? Woudl be cool, but won't happen.
Ahh!, But you forgot one thing, HIC. :)

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dannyfld33 said:
icurafu said:
Half life is more than a mod. It can't be ported without the HL source.
Yes I am very aware of that, and I'm not actually a developer however would an SDK count as source?

no. The halflife SDK is for making MODs or levels. It can not be us to port Half-Life.
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God... someone keep me away from the internet when I am drunk. This is getting out of hand. I think there are at least 10 posts on gp32x where I was really wasted or baked.
try not to worry, create a blog where you only update when you are drunk (i would read it) ;)
lol... I have a blog about just this. It's called rockbottom ^^. But it's in German. Haha... priceless.