Hrr! I was SURE I made a big long tutorial post that had a go at Python, but it seems it didn't work. Or mebe a python-loving mod removed it

. (If that is the case, i respect your decision, just lemme know?)
On with the show (again):
Check out FLTK/FLUID. FLTK stands for 'Fast Light ToolKit' and FLUID stands for Fast Light User Interface Designer. Therefore it's perfect for a device like the Pandora (or any other bloody device - When computers get faster, they should get FASTER, not prettier(or just slower for no good reason)).
Finding the tutorials I used for FLUID was kinda hard, since FLTK/FLUID has dropped out of common usage in favor of GTK/Qt, for some odd reason. So I won't be (re)posting a huge big tutorial unless I can confirm you still need it. ...meaning, let me know if you need help, I have no problem providing it

Also it's C/C++, and I mean real C/C++ - you can actually COMPILE it, with a REAL COMPILER like gcc/g++. No interpreted Python! No VM (proprietary!!! Unless you, like me, use OpenJDK) Java! Woot! (while i'm here, if you're gonna use an interpreted language, use python. Ruby's just SLOW and Java's just so terrible somehow people may be tricked into believing it's decent. And tbh I don't have a lot of experience with Perl, but it's not even bytecode, it's gotta suck. I assume you're not using these bash scripts for anything but mounting and stuff - what they're designed for).
In summary..
Benefits - Fast. Light(suck it java! Why am I picking on Java now, noone suggested it, lol (that's a GOOD THING)). Little dependancies.
Downsides - FLTK is fast and light. FLTK. not SPTK(Slow pretty toolkit). So it's not pretty like GTK and stuff...but for executing scripts it's FINE. (If you prefer form over function, you should have got an iPad (or more accurate, the iFad. These things are just a craze)

Uhh, sorry to (language warning) bitch so much in a post intended to help people - I hope it does help, and i'm not intending to start a flamewar. I seriously do recommend FLTK - I even found it easier to use than Glade and Qt Designer. GTKDialog looks quite easy to use(which is good) but it's so damn hackish (not good)

. FLTK will also help save battery power, i'd recommend everyone use it for GUIs on the Pandora. While we're at it, LXDE/Openbox anyone?
EDIT: I should note that I do know that the iPad wasn't even thought of when the Original Poster ordered his Pandora, and that I don't claim to be some leet C/C++ coder. Just because not mentioning those things could trigger the flames of doom.