GTK themes problem with NoteCase Pro


Active Member
Dec 19, 2011
Bavaria, Germany
Hi guys,

anyone here who is familiar with GTK themes?

I have a problem: The NoteCase Pro outliner, which is GTK+-based, uses a special kind of ckeckboxes for some functions. These checkboxes don't have two, but three states: Yes, No and a "doesn't matter" state.

It uses it e.g. in the find dialog for parameters such as "Is task", "Is clone", "Has attachment" etc. so that the user can search for notes regardless if they meet the particular parameter or not.

All themes, even the default GTK theme, but except the "Raleigh" theme, don't properly support this third checkbox state. If the checkbox is in the "doesn't matter" state, normally it is visualized using a dash in the box. But on the Pandora, this state has the same visualization as the "no" state, i.e. an empty checkbox.

Only the "Raleigh" theme visualizes it correctly.

The worst problem is that even the default theme (if no custom theme is configured in NoteCase Pro) has this problem.

Since this is a major limitation in usability of the find dialog of NoteCase Pro (and problaby occurring in other applications, too, which use that widget), I'd like to fix that problem in some way. But I am not familiar with GTK+ theming.

I have found the themes' gtkrc files under /usr/share/themes in the respective theme directories, but I could not determine a way to fix the problem.

Can anyone help please?

Thank you!
