Gridwars Inspired Game?

Just one thing about the sounds question: I am a musician and I have a studio full of synthesizers. I'd like to do the sounds! :)

What I will do tonight is plug these models into the Python version of WakeBreaker and make it available to you guys for testing so you can see how things will work ..
OK - here is a version of "Byte".



Model (Byte 001c.obj):
# WaveFront *.obj file (generated by Cinema4D)

g Nibble2
usemtl Ninnle4
v -0.022222 0.222222 0
v -0.222222 0 -0.088889
v -0.222222 0 0.088889
v -0.022222 -0.222222 0

vt 0.992408 0.994577 0
vt 0.007592 0.994577 0
vt 0.5 0.994577 0
vt 0.34849 0.599783 0
vt 0.65151 0.599783 0
vt 0.992408 0.204989 0
vt 0.007592 0.204989 0
vt 0.5 0.204989 0

f 1/3 2/4 3/5
f 3/5 2/4 4/8
f 4/7 2/4 1/2
f 3/5 4/6 1/1

g Nibble3
usemtl Nibble3
v 0 0.222222 -0.022222
v 0.088889 0 -0.222222
v -0.088889 0 -0.222222
v 0 -0.222222 -0.022222

vt 0.992408 0.994577 0
vt 0.007592 0.994577 0
vt 0.5 0.994577 0
vt 0.34849 0.599783 0
vt 0.65151 0.599783 0
vt 0.992408 0.204989 0
vt 0.007592 0.204989 0
vt 0.5 0.204989 0

f 5/11 6/12 7/13
f 7/13 6/12 8/16
f 8/15 6/12 5/10
f 7/13 8/14 5/9

g Nibble
usemtl Nibble2
v 0.022222 0.222222 0
v 0.222222 0 0.088889
v 0.222222 0 -0.088889
v 0.022222 -0.222222 0

vt 0.992408 0.994577 0
vt 0.007592 0.994577 0
vt 0.5 0.994577 0
vt 0.34849 0.599783 0
vt 0.65151 0.599783 0
vt 0.992408 0.204989 0
vt 0.007592 0.204989 0
vt 0.5 0.204989 0

f 9/19 10/20 11/21
f 11/21 10/20 12/24
f 12/23 10/20 9/18
f 11/21 12/22 9/17

g Nibble1
usemtl Nibble1
v 0 0.222222 0.022222
v -0.088889 0 0.222222
v 0.088889 0 0.222222
v 0 -0.222222 0.022222

vt 0.992408 0.994577 0
vt 0.007592 0.994577 0
vt 0.5 0.994577 0
vt 0.34849 0.599783 0
vt 0.65151 0.599783 0
vt 0.992408 0.204989 0
vt 0.007592 0.204989 0
vt 0.5 0.204989 0

f 13/27 14/28 15/29
f 15/29 14/28 16/32
f 16/31 14/28 13/26
f 15/29 16/30 13/25

Again, there are seperate groups and materials so each segment SHOULD be seperately texturable or they can all share the same texture, and any of them could be rendered or not to suggest damage rather than outright destruction.

Now - it's probably time I played a little GridWars54 to look at shots, explosions, and snakes.

I tried setting up a grid for a background but - especially using tris - the resuling file was humungous. I really REALLY think that it would be best to generate it in memory using a simple loop :)


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On the background, I meant a repeating texture, not geometry .. ;)

I'm going to have to look at doing an .OBJ file importer -> GL ES geometry, I think .. unless someone knows of one already?
torpor said:
On the background, I meant a repeating texture, not geometry .. ;)

I'm going to have to look at doing an .OBJ file importer -> GL ES geometry, I think .. unless someone knows of one already?

I don't know of any way to tile a texture on a model other than to have the extra geometry OR to paint a very large texture (which creates large image files then). I'd just have a simple single tile texture - a black background with a blue box outlining it, say - and then apply that to an array of squares for the background? If you actually want one large bitmap with X squares by Y, let me know what X and Y are...?

I've just had a quick play with GridWars (GridWars 2 apparently - the "54" I'm remembering much refer to source code version or something) and it looks like the most important models I haven't touched on are the shot and the "propellor" type model. So I might try and get at least one of those done in a bit. Explosions, happily, look like they're just a bunch of sparks flying away from the impact point, so probably don't need modelling as such - just use a whole bunch of cylinders!

Is there a dev area to upload files to? Like .zip files or .rar files containing larger files than are reasonable to display in a post?
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Right then - the Rotor Blade:



Model (RotorBlade 001bUV.obj):
# NumVerts/NumTVerts/NumVNormals/NumFacets   13/13/0/8
# NumGroups/NumMaterials/NumRegions   1/0/0
# x/y/color/ppu   128/128/0/50.00000000

v -0.22222200 -0.01111100  0.22222200
v -0.22222200 -0.01111100 -0.22222200
v  0.22222200 -0.01111100 -0.22222200
v  0.22222200 -0.01111100  0.22222200
v -0.22222200  0.01111100  0.11111100
v -0.11111100  0.01111100 -0.22222200
v  0.22222200  0.01111100 -0.11111100
v  0.11111100  0.01111100  0.22222200
v -0.02777800  0.00000000  0.02777800
v  0.02777800  0.00000000  0.02777800
v  0.00000000  0.02222200  0.00000000
v -0.02777800  0.00000000 -0.02777800
v  0.02777800  0.00000000 -0.02777800

vt  0.02500000  0.73750001
vt  0.02500000  0.97499996
vt  0.02500000  0.02500000
vt  0.26249999  0.02500000
vt  0.97499996  0.26249999
vt  0.97499996  0.02500000
vt  0.55937552  0.55937552
vt  0.73750001  0.97499996
vt  0.97499996  0.97499996
vt  0.44062445  0.55937552
vt  0.44062445  0.44062445
vt  0.55937552  0.44062445
vt  0.50000000  0.50000000

g RotorBlade
f 5/1 1/2 9/10
f 2/3 12/11 6/4
f 13/12 7/5 3/6
f 10/7 8/8 4/9
f 11/13 9/10 10/7
f 12/11 9/10 11/13
f 12/11 11/13 13/12
f 11/13 10/7 13/12

and shot/bullet/whatever:


Model (Shot 001bUV.obj):
# NumVerts/NumTVerts/NumVNormals/NumFacets   13/17/0/8
# NumGroups/NumMaterials/NumRegions   1/0/0
# x/y/color/ppu   128/54/0/50.00000000

v -0.08333300  0.00000000  0.00000000
v -0.05555600 -0.02777800  0.00000000
v -0.05555600 -0.02777800  0.00000000
v  0.05555600 -0.00001100  0.00000000
v -0.05555600  0.00000000 -0.02777800
v -0.05555600  0.00000000 -0.02777800
v  0.05555600  0.00000000 -0.00001100
v -0.05555600  0.02777800  0.00000000
v -0.05555600  0.02777800  0.00000000
v  0.05555600  0.00001100  0.00000000
v -0.05555600  0.00000000  0.02777800
v -0.05555600  0.00000000  0.02777800
v  0.05555600  0.00000000  0.00001100

vt  0.09110629  0.74855506
vt  0.60237986  0.74855506
vt  0.60237986  0.74865037
vt  0.09110629  0.98915404
vt  0.09220617  0.01735356
vt  0.60045052  0.25811842
vt  0.60045052  0.25821379
vt  0.09220617  0.25821379
vt  0.60045052  0.25830919
vt  0.09220617  0.49907401
vt  0.09110629  0.50795603
vt  0.60237986  0.74845976
vt  0.30140373  0.50403750
vt  0.59755647  0.40137154
vt  0.59755647  0.50403750
vt  0.59755647  0.60670358
vt  0.89370930  0.50403750

g Shot
f 3/1 4/2 7/3 6/4
f 6/5 7/6 10/7 9/8
f 9/8 10/7 13/9 12/10
f 12/11 13/12 4/2 3/1
f 1/15 8/13 11/14
f 9/13 1/15 5/16
f 5/16 1/15 3/17
f 1/15 12/14 3/17

Twisted Tower...


Model (TwistedTower 001c.obj):
# WaveFront *.obj file (generated by Cinema4D)

g Cube
v 0.157135 0.222222 0
v 0 0.222222 0.157135
v -0.111111 -0.222222 0.111111
v 0 0.222222 -0.157135
v 0.111111 -0.222222 0.111111
v -0.157135 0.222222 0
v 0.111111 -0.222222 -0.111111
v -0.111111 -0.222222 -0.111111

vt 0.5 0.75 0
vt 0.25 0.75 0
vt 0.25 0.25 0
vt 0.5 1 0
vt 0.75 0.75 0
vt 0.5 0.25 0
vt 1 0.75 0
vt 0.25 1 0
vt 0 0.75 0
vt 0.5 0 0
vt 0.75 0.25 0
vt 0.25 0 0
vt 0 0.25 0
vt 1 0.25 0

f 3/3 2/2 1/1
f 5/6 1/1 4/5
f 7/11 4/5 6/7
f 8/13 6/9 2/2
f 2/2 6/8 4/4
f 8/12 3/3 5/6
f 3/3 1/1 5/6
f 5/6 4/5 7/11
f 7/11 6/7 8/14
f 8/13 2/2 3/3
f 2/2 4/4 1/1
f 8/12 5/6 7/10

That should be enough to be going on with for now, I think ;)


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I don't know the original game but I've seen some original Pix from "Geometry-Wars" and I really like these Tron-Neon-Style. :) I remember a 2D Asteroids-like shooter for the GP2X with this kind of graphic, very stylish.

Maybe this game here doesn't need (pixelated) textures for the models at all, just colour the shapes, make bright, shining outlines (and projectiles)and done. ^_^
Good - I'll expect a full, cross-platform, single and multi-player (deathmatch, co-op, and capture the flag) game by morning then!

More seriously, there are more models I'd like to make but I don't want to do TOO many more than we need for the game (at least, not right now) and I figure that, in the short term, if you need a model for a specific purpose (like "Spawn Port") then you could reuse an existing model while writing the code and prompt for that model on this thread - I'm sure we can get all the holes filled in that way, and if there are any alterations along the way (Quads are allowed, polys turn out to be single sided, whatever) then we can address those as we go (some of the models I haven't done would benefit from Quads, and I don't want to make them twice if I can avoid it).

My son has just seen the Star Wars theme from GridWars 2 for the first time (I didn't even know it was there until I started poking around to get a static look at their graphics) so I guess I'll need to build a simplistic Millenium Falcon as a replacement craft at some stage (I doubt any existing Star Wars models I have would be "light" enough to work... though the user's craft is, I guess, the least populous so could be the most resource hungry.

I have other ideas too for the future, once you're happier working with my models and we can see what kind of speed we're getting. Like... let's suppose that the botton of the "V" craft - the pointy bit - is the front. We could, in theory, have seperate left and right "thrust" graphics (light blue translucent cones?) that appear when either is firing (both when they both are). It all depends how flash you want to get within the limits of the model style.

But I don't know how much feedback, if any, you'll want. So I'll shut up now and let you get on with what I've already put together.

fusion_power said:
Maybe this game here doesn't need (pixelated) textures for the models at all, just colour the shapes, make bright, shining outlines (and projectiles)and done. ^_^

I beleive that is part of the plan, and it's certainly MY style... but there are other styles to consider. the (rather crude) UV Mapping and templates I have been knocking up are not aimed at the final glowy style, but enabling torpor to get the basic guts going quickly... understanding my model format, and the variations thereof, and getting the models working in the engine he already has (which uses textures). Getting wireframe neon-glow versions and getting better textures will both be for later stages (after individual models have been green-lit for "Go!") so we can have super-duper-filled-in-multi-colour spaceships n stuff or bright Neon glow outlined and maybe a bunch of other alternatives. Maybe we could try and paint up a set to look similar to LEGO bricks, for example?

That way we can get a bit more mileage out of the effort put in, and leave it open for easy end-user customisation.

Now then - glowy Asteroidsish game for the GP2X? I actually prefer a game called "Echoes" from BinaryZoo to GridWars - which is effectively Asteroids on drugs (more Asteroidy than GridWars is IMHO, if only because of the Asteroids). If you remember the name of the asteroids like game, let me know so I can see if I can find a copy - it's quite likely to be my cup of tea from the sound of things, and my F-200 would probably love it!

PS I'm more than happy to produce larger templates - I've been doing them at 128 * 128 not to try and produce a "retro" look but to keep the file sizes down and ensure you can see the lines (without my having to do a bunch of extra work thickening the lines). If anyone wants larger templates, just give me a resolution and list the model/s you want. I'll be doing any "greenlit" ones larger anyway, eventually.
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Ehm, if you guys are going for a wireframe style I would suggest just specifiying end points on lines and render them using axis aligned billboars of some sort or lots of "point sprites"

Also I don't get why you don't just have ONE triangle in the texture and always stick to [0.0;1.0] in your UV mappings. It would simplfy anything and enhance the looks.

If I was you I would care more about state changes than high polycount anyway. Right now you don't have to worry about performance at all.. (and you shouldn't have to do so in the future neither)
JayFoxRox said:
Ehm, if you guys are going for a wireframe style I would suggest just specifiying end points on lines and render them using axis aligned billboars of some sort or lots of "point sprites"

Also I don't get why you don't just have ONE triangle in the texture and always stick to [0.0;1.0] in your UV mappings. It would simplfy anything and enhance the looks.

If I was you I would care more about state changes than high polycount anyway. Right now you don't have to worry about performance at all.. (and you shouldn't have to do so in the future neither)
They'll learn... eventually. Premature optimization is never a good thing.

BTW, isn't something equivalent to GL_LINES available in OpenGL ES 2.0? Then they'd just be able to do that, and it would be easy to add bloom afterwards to make the lines look fuzzy/whatever.
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Wireframe style is only one of the plans, I believe - fully textured is another, which requires better UV mapping. Yes, it's a PITA to map these modes halfway usably, but I'm trying to be more helpful than usual :)

but anyone who can do the model designs better PLEASE do! Have at it :D
Monk said:
Now then - glowy Asteroidsish game for the GP2X? I actually prefer a game called "Echoes" from BinaryZoo to GridWars - which is effectively Asteroids on drugs (more Asteroidy than GridWars is IMHO, if only because of the Asteroids). If you remember the name of the asteroids like game, let me know so I can see if I can find a copy - it's quite likely to be my cup of tea from the sound of things, and my F-200 would probably love it!
"Vektar", AFAIK commercial game but free Demo available.
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fusion_power said:
Monk said:
Now then - glowy Asteroidsish game for the GP2X? I actually prefer a game called "Echoes" from BinaryZoo to GridWars - which is effectively Asteroids on drugs (more Asteroidy than GridWars is IMHO, if only because of the Asteroids). If you remember the name of the asteroids like game, let me know so I can see if I can find a copy - it's quite likely to be my cup of tea from the sound of things, and my F-200 would probably love it!
"Vektar", AFAIK commercial game but free Demo available.

Doh! I think it was finding that which lead me to look for something similar for my PC - which is how I ended up with GridWars and Echoes! LOL, I'm going downhill fast...

... but I THINK the full finished Vektar recently went "freebie" too - I suspect there's a copy on the file archive :D
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Okay, I've plugged in the first model, the "C" ship, and .. well .. the results aren't too satifsying. I've got a little learning to do on how the OBJ file format can best be used ..


That little 'blip' you see in the particle trail of the boat is the "C" ship .. didn't quite work out the way I'd hoped. I think I have some UV tweaks to make, and maybe I'm not quite specifying the indices properly .. yet. Will hack on it a little more tonight, but maybe it'll take me a day or two to sort things out .. in the meantime, well done Monk, thanks for the hard work with the models. We shall make progress, sure enough!


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Logic Bomb - because it was too easy not to. Note that this is (IIRC) the second model with no bottom - if it doesn't ever rotate to show the underneath, I don't need to model or map it.


Model (LogicBomb 001bUV.obj):
# NumVerts/NumTVerts/NumVNormals/NumFacets   15/10/0/5
# NumGroups/NumMaterials/NumRegions   1/0/0
# x/y/color/ppu   121/128/0/50.00000000

v  0.22222200 -0.22222200  0.00000000
v  0.22222200 -0.22222200  0.00000000
v  0.00001100  0.22222200  0.00000000
v  0.06867000 -0.22222200 -0.21134600
v  0.06867000 -0.22222200 -0.21134600
v  0.00000300  0.22222200 -0.00001100
v -0.17978200 -0.22222200 -0.13061900
v -0.17978200 -0.22222200 -0.13061900
v -0.00000900  0.22222200 -0.00000700
v -0.17978200 -0.22222200  0.13061900
v -0.17978200 -0.22222200  0.13061900
v -0.00000900  0.22222200  0.00000700
v  0.06867000 -0.22222200  0.21134600
v  0.06867000 -0.22222200  0.21134600
v  0.00000300  0.22222200  0.00001100

vt  0.97499996  0.50000000
vt  0.61213195  0.02500000
vt  0.44986084  0.49997526
vt  0.02500000  0.20643388
vt  0.44983247  0.49998426
vt  0.02500000  0.79356617
vt  0.44986084  0.50002474
vt  0.44983247  0.50001574
vt  0.44987971  0.50000000
vt  0.61213195  0.97499996

g LogicBomb
f 6/3 3/9 2/1 5/2
f 9/5 6/3 5/2 8/4
f 12/8 9/5 8/4 11/6
f 15/7 12/8 11/6 14/10
f 3/9 15/7 14/10 2/1


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torpor said:
Okay, I've plugged in the first model, the "C" ship, and .. well .. the results aren't too satifsying. I've got a little learning to do on how the OBJ file format can best be used ..


That little 'blip' you see in the particle trail of the boat is the "C" ship .. didn't quite work out the way I'd hoped. I think I have some UV tweaks to make, and maybe I'm not quite specifying the indices properly .. yet. Will hack on it a little more tonight, but maybe it'll take me a day or two to sort things out .. in the meantime, well done Monk, thanks for the hard work with the models. We shall make progress, sure enough!

It's been a long time since I wrote a .OBJ file parser, but I think I can remember all I'd need if you need walking through the format. Unexpected numbers of white space seems to trip up a lot of .OBJ import routines - that and odd carriage returns on some files (I hate that some systems use CR and LF while others use just CR - or even just LF IIRC!).

Meanwhile...water. Hmmm... an aquatic level? Gives me fishy thoughts. Don't worry, I'm not about to rattle off another 5 watery-based models, but the idea might be inspiring for anon.


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Okay, after I got a bit frustrated with hacking around with the python version, I instead spent some time and effort on it and polished off the sources for WakeBreaker and have now fully completed the port to the AI Touchbook OS - this means that the sources are ready for PandoraOS as well. Get the sources here:

It would be really great if other coders wanted to help with this project by downloading the sources and having a bit of a grok around to see what can easily be done - particularly with replacing models, and so on. The WakeBreaker engine is currently a racing game, but with very little effort can accomodate our desires for a GW-style shooter, I think .. so have a look at the sources - and the game itself, if you have a Touchbook or Beagleboard (or Pandora protoype, lucky!) - and see for yourself just how close we are to having another nice game from our community effort ..

Off to bed now.

Monk: Don't worry about the OBJ importer, I'll just work out how to convert the models by hand and bash out a little awk or python script to take your details and plug it into something that can easily be implemented as a GLES 1.1 model for the WakeBreaker engine .. I'd sure like to hear other programmers thoughts on this too, so have a look at the code and read this thread and send us your suggestions!
Monk said:
If anyone wants to improve on the basic ball/sphere model - please do!
Oops - and I forgot we were meant to be trimming down to only tris. Which will increase the poly count... I'll get back to it anon if no-one beats me to it.
How about this?:
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