

Still Fresh
Sep 23, 2006
Just wanted to say "hi" as the newest member of the GP* community. I'm an avid gamer that has been frustrated with the controls of the Dell Axim X50v, a major GNU/Linux enthusiast, and a minor programmer. This combination of hobbies made the GP2X seem like the perfect gadget for me, when I read a user's comment about it on I ordered a GP2X + carrying case this morning, from PlayAsia, after reading several FAQs and wiki pages about the device. (The wait for new toys is always so painful. Especially when it's shipping from Asia. :P )

My preferred language is PHP (I run a video game music community+BitTorrent tracker), though I tutor a C programming class at a local community college and have worked with several programming languages in the past, so I'm hoping to get involved with writing applications for the GP2X eventually.

Anyway... I'm looking forward to receiving my GP2X and getting to know the community. :)

Welcome! Glad to have you on board. You'll love the '2X. I have a PSP collecting dust now, and a hardly-used DS (if it weren't for Animal Crossing, it too would sit idle).

It's like Christmas all year 'round :D


If you're in the U.S., it's pretty quick from Play-Asia ... within a week or so. And it comes with a very nice surprise in the box along with your order (:D))
Here, I'll be an ass and spoil it for him, the surprise is rancid bonbons! :lol:

Welcome to the community TrickyPhillips, you'll enjoy your stay here almost as much you will enjoy the GP2X itself. The available software that keeps flowing and flowing will keep you entertained for years to come, and if you plan to develop for it you'll find yourself with a very addicting hobby :)

- Alex