Greetings, Need Your Help For A New User


Still Fresh
Nov 27, 2009

Recently on a business trip I was reading the holiday edition of PC Gamer and had noticed the GP2x Wiz device, which pretty much sounded cool that I could relive some of my favorite games from yester year.

After receiving the device and installing my SDHC card I started searching the Internet for various Emulators and ROMS. I started by downloading various Emulators and Roms including: MAME, AMIGA, C64, and DOSBOX. However when I unzipped these onto the SD card and tried launching the emulator then for some reason I could not launch them. Basically it looked like I was navigating thru folders and in some folders it did not display any files other than the root. Needless to say I am not sure if the emualtors on other websites works for the WIZ or if I have to utilize emulators strictly for the WIZ.

Early today I was able to download and install a AMIGA emulator from the official WIZ site (the one that I was referred by thinkgeek) and was able to launch the emulator and the ROM but the game (Airborne Ranger) would stay at the menu and no matter what button I pushed it would not leave the menu or start? I did notice that certain buttons I pushed would display the ESC key on the keyboard or a mouse and joystick but again being new was unsure on how to proceed. BTW I did try pushing all buttons.

This device for all purposes sounds cool but the lack of documentation is bad for newbies such as myself. I would appreciate any advice or assistance.

Thanks very much and Happy Thanksgiving.
Your best bet is to sift through other people's posts (try the advanced search in the top right). Check these questions posted by me: this and that. The second one should help alot more. Keep looking, and let me know if you find anything out! I still need some help too!

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