Graphic Artist Needed!


arr matey?
May 21, 2008
I allready posted this in the Pandora Panic thread but no responses so far so i thought i'd bring it under more general attention.

So, for one of my minigames i need some sprites! i tried to produce something myself, but after a full afternoon and nothing much to show i decided that would not work. (i suck at drawn art) Basically it's a simple bird flying and jumping on other birds idea, loosely based on joust. But if the sprites are good, they might be re-used (hey, how often have u seen mario, sick of him yet? :P )

I need at least 2 types of flying creatures, or guys on flying creatures, as long as it corresponds with the wingflap idea (so no jets ; ). One being the hero, the other one(s) being the flying enemies. It could be one sprite for the enemies, but more (or different colours) would be a nice touch. Also i need a background.

Basically, they need to be 64x64, and some frames for animation would be nice (2 would be enough, but go crazy if you like; ) The background needs to be 800x480 (duh : ) and i'm open for anything with that, as long as it matches the creatures a bit in style. Credits will be given to the author ofcourse.

So i hope some of you have some spare time to create something nice.

p.s. my first topic :rolleyes:
MarkoeZ said:
I allready posted this in the Pandora Panic thread but no responses so far so i thought i'd bring it under more general attention.

So, for one of my minigames i need some sprites! i tried to produce something myself, but after a full afternoon and nothing much to show i decided that would not work. (i suck at drawn art) Basically it's a simple bird flying and jumping on other birds idea, loosely based on joust. But if the sprites are good, they might be re-used (hey, how often have u seen mario, sick of him yet? :P )

I need at least 2 types of flying creatures, or guys on flying creatures, as long as it corresponds with the wingflap idea (so no jets ; ). One being the hero, the other one(s) being the flying enemies. It could be one sprite for the enemies, but more (or different colours) would be a nice touch. Also i need a background.

Basically, they need to be 64x64, and some frames for animation would be nice (2 would be enough, but go crazy if you like; ) The background needs to be 800x480 (duh : ) and i'm open for anything with that, as long as it matches the creatures a bit in style. Credits will be given to the author ofcourse.

So i hope some of you have some spare time to create something nice.
p.s. my first topic :rolleyes:

Learn to use Blender, animating in 3D is a *LOT* easier and faster.
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Hessiess said:
Learn to use Blender, animating in 3D is a *LOT* easier and faster.

I allready know 3d max, but it's not like i can model an acceptable bird in that, organic shapes are quite complicated. But thanks for the tip anyway :)

Edit to clarify: i think someone experienced in tablet drawing/pixel art can make a sprite in less than an hour, where modelling a bird/dragon/birdrider in 3d would take me days since it has been a while.
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I know that I could do it, I did some pixelart in the past, and I could even do it in 3Dsmax but I just haven't got the time I think, well maybe I try something tomorrow (today actually), but I really should start working for school some more. Okay, I will try something, it's a long time ago I did some spriting. But I think i've got some ideas already.

Here is something I just tried, If you like it I will make the animation or if you want something different, maybe a guy on top of it, I can do that too.

Dragons_Slayer said:
I know that I could do it, I did some pixelart in the past, and I could even do it in 3Dsmax but I just haven't got the time I think, well maybe I try something tomorrow (today actually), but I really should start working for school some more. Okay, I will try something, it's a long time ago I did some spriting. But I think i've got some ideas already.

Here is something I just tried, If you like it I will make the animation or if you want something different, maybe a guy on top of it, I can do that too.

Awesome, looks very cool! a guy on top would be even better, but i allready like it so far.

So if you want to do it, please :)
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Here with guy on top.
also a question: do you want this as the hero or as an enemy, cause, if I'm not mistaken, the hero also needs a walking animation.
great! :D yeah, there will be walking as well, just not implemented yet. And allready thanks for your efforts :) Regarding hero/enemy, the bird looks a bit evil so i'd say enemy.

Edit: walking works

Edit 2: Do you mind if i use the bird without rider in another minigame? it uses a copyrighted sprite right now, not that i think the company will mind, but still ;)
Here is the almost ready first enemy, the wings are quickly drawn and shaded to look if the animation was alright so they don't look that great, also the tail and feathers on his had will be animated a bit.

Dragons_Slayer said:
Here is the almost ready first enemy, the wings are quickly drawn and shaded to look if the animation was alright so they don't look that great, also the tail and feathers on his had will be animated a bit.

Aaah, very nice allready :D looking forward to the finished one!!
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That is incredible, I wish there was more open-source (it will be, right?) art of such quality.
Spirit said:
That is incredible, I wish there was more open-source (it will be, right?) art of such quality.
Thanks, of course it's open source. If I had the time I could make even more, well maybe when I have a lot of time like in the summerbreak, I could make open source sprite and tileset packages for everyone to use :P
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The first enemy sprite is completed, here it is (note: I made it somewhat bigger so can see it better on this site):

Now you just need to make it landing, turning, flying up, flying down, walking, turning while walking, and the rider character mounting.

Seriously, though, very, very nice work!
j.pickens said:
Now you just need to make it landing, turning, flying up, flying down, walking, turning while walking, and the rider character mounting.

Seriously, though, very, very nice work!
It's currently a minigame, i'm not trying to recreate the complete joust (yet, but i might ; )

But thanks a million Dragons_Slayer, the game looks much more finished allready!
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