Gpx2 Or Gp2x

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
I think people need to get the name of the unit right. I'm pretty sure that it's GPX2 not GP2X, but I might be wrong. The site says GPX2, and the pictures of the unit are X2, but I don't want to be accusing anyone of being wrong if GPH has decided to call it the 2X.

I vaguely remember someone saying that they couldn't call it the X2 because that was already copyrighted. Anyway, I don't know, so what is the story?

Oh, and sorry if this has already been posted.

eerm. ARe you new? Did you miss the whole nameing contest thing that ran for like a month? :blink:

There was major uproar that it was only changed from gpx2 to gp2x - though most like that it didn't change too much.
pea posted on Oct 2 2005 at 06:54 AM said:
eerm. ARe you new? Did you miss the whole nameing contest thing that ran for like a month? :blink:

That would likely be yes and yes.

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Joined: 27-September 05
Member No.: 5671
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Cool signature V3X, Gir rocks. Sorry, yeah, I heard about the naming contest but that was before the /. article saying that the, ahem, GP2X was coming out in Oct. Ok, I tried to be nice because soo many people were calling it the 2X that I just wasn't sure, notice in my first post I stated I could be wrong. So GPH just hasn't changed the site yet and the black prototype that the end unit is going to look like were made before the naming contest? Ok, now everything makes sense.

Yeah, it's supposed to be 2X.

Orginally from what I've wittnessed they wanted to call it the GPX2 (Actually from one interview it was said the original name WAS GP2X but changed to X2) but there was a printer that already holds a copyright on that name. The naming contest yeilded a dozen names they liked but all where already taken so they fell back on their old name the GP2X.

The problem is for some reason they've yet to redo the X2 art on the site to show 2X and they also haven't yet created a 2X site which is confusing since they've firmly decided to call it that.
The site is only a teaser site, everything will change later.

You can not copyright a name. Everything you make is instantly copyrighted but names are excluded. You can register a name and that's called a "registered trade mark", the symbol is a R in a ring, you can see it on Coca Cola's logo and other logos.
Stan welcome aboard.
Your question about what the fracking name is a legitimate one as the actual site is named and the pics say gpx2 but gp32x lists it as gp2x etc... You have to understand that a few of the gaming devoted here can get a "bit" emotional if you post something that is so commonly known by those that live the gp2x/gaming life. :lol:
It's like you went to a catholic church and said "hmm, Jesus, wasn't he that mexican guy who used to work for the Goya juice company". You would be pelted by wine and wafers if you did such a thing but in this particular case with comments like "what kind of nerd are you? Don't you know anything". :rolleyes:

The silly naming contest was more than likely a way to generate buzz about the new console especially when GameparkHoldings merely switched the X and the 2 for the final product.
Anyhow, i'm sure some others were wondering the same thing. See you on the forums.
Digital Awakening posted on Oct 2 2005 at 07:44 AM said:
The site is only a teaser site, everything will change later.

You can not copyright a name. Everything you make is instantly copyrighted but names are excluded. You can register a name and that's called a "registered trade mark", the symbol is a R in a ring, you can see it on Coca Cola's logo and other logos.

Right, registered. That's what I meant to say but it was 2 AM and my mind wasnt working too well. :P

Yes, the nameing contest was meant to generate buzz but it was a legitamate contest. The problem comes when 98% of the names generated dont fit the product and the few that do are already registered, the person that used the name they had no choice but to use is the one that won.

As for the web site; Even if the current site is a teaser they should atleast lock down the domain name and put a "comming soon" image up. right now it's just nonexistant and anyone could just step up and snag it.
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Alpha2 posted on Oct 2 2005 at 01:05 PM said:
Digital Awakening posted on Oct 2 2005 at 07:44 AM said:
The site is only a teaser site, everything will change later.

You can not copyright a name. Everything you make is instantly copyrighted but names are excluded. You can register a name and that's called a "registered trade mark", the symbol is a R in a ring, you can see it on Coca Cola's logo and other logos.

As for the web site; Even if the current site is a teaser they should atleast lock down the domain name and put a "comming soon" image up. right now it's just nonexistant and anyone could just step up and snag it.

Well I am alway into making a quick buck! *buys* :blink: :P
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I dont care what its called, i know what i've ordered and as long as the TV out works and SNES works then it can call itself whatever it wants !