Gpx2 Just Arrived

A copy of the PM I sent to Ninja

You can reach me at the Jun-Fan Jeet Kune Do academy in Hazel Grove, Stockport (on the A6)

The instructor John is a friend of mine, he will arrange a meeting if you wish

Idle threats over the internet aren't always without consequences

For any one else who wishes to show how hard they are over the internet :rolleyes:

If this board has mods people like him should be banned...but he probably is one
Well as he lives nearby 'surely' he will turn up to meet you after the threats he has posted ?

What should have been a great day has really turned into a piss poor one, not because of some frickin headphones or a cd but because of a lot of peoples attitude and responses.
Personally, my BO should knock you over at fifty paces... and if that don't do it my halitosis should ensure a fatal bite! :lol:

...and anyway what the 4x happened to martial arts... I could spell Judo, Tai Kwan Do and Karate... anything else and I think you're making it up! :P
Jeet Kune Do is for sissies, real men fight with Drunken Rage


So true

The association im in is part of this guys My Webpage

Paul Vunak is my coach's instructor, his main claim to fame was teaching the SEALS, the only really effective stuff is the Kali and BJJ (and some of the Muay Thai)
I'll see if night of the living dead will play as it is.

And i've told you, not happy return the unit, refund, can't say better than that can I? Tell me what I can do to make it all better.

P.S. Venkman90 & psj3809 can you PM me your addresses? I have a molotov cocktail for you both as conpensation for your precious CDs.  :angry:

Ninja stop being stupid, come on

I'm not fussed about no headphones or cd, i just wanted to know what had happened to them that was all

Craig explained about them and now i think everyone is satisfied. What gets me is that its like you daren't complain here about anything or even raise something small. Craig does a great job with a small business, most of us here were only asking questions that was all. Once i had the answer about the CD i totally understand now. Also replies about why the USB cable doesnt work etc.

As for your OTT post, things about a molotov cocktail just arent funny in todays world. I live very close by to you, i would be happy to talk about this in person. If i went to the police and mentioned that someone has threatened to firebomb my house i'm sure they would have a look at that. No wonder the world is messed up if people get this angry over something so small !

A lot of people are overreacting here and are acting like kids themselves. Many people i know have the perception that the GP32 community have a lot of idiot kids acting like Rambo and this thread again has seemed to have shown that. Very disappointing.

I've been involved in the GP32 for the last year, helped out quite a few newbies, got a few more sales of GP32's by writing favourable reports on many websites and convincing friends to get one. I've uploaded tons of MAME roms for people to use with the GP32 Mame emulator and helped out a few newbies. If anyone moaned that a download wasnt working or about something else i didnt go OTT and mention a molotov cocktail to them. Christ whats the matter with some people. Having a wife as a solictor is very useful when i get threats such as some kid sending me a molotov cocktail once he gets my address. If i was really pissed off i could easily go to the police with a threat such as that.

Forget any grips about the GP2X , i'm shocked at some idiots replies such as 'Ninja'.

You guys have been making such a big deal about this CD making accusations that craigix is a poor bussiness man and that its your legal obligation to receive what hes advertised rather than just going into the file archive and downloading 6MB of files! I think fair for me to be very p*ssed off that you have delayed my delivery until the beginning of next week to be honest.

As far as petrol bombing you house do you really take everything people say on a forum that seriously... Im a 22 year old bussiness man myself so I know what craigix has to put up with everyday. As far as complaining about GBAX or Craigix so far there is there is nothing to complain about, thats my whole point! And in any case if I were going to complain Id do it over the phone to him directly not on here.
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If everyone was informed (with offical information) 99% of these posts/threads wouldn be here, the reason everyone is in such a panic is due to lack of information from the people we have PAYED !!! hard earned money to,and god dam it we have a RIGHT to complain if we not getting what we expected when we PAYED.

stop sucking upto mods/admins/dev's If you think you have a right to complain then do it, these are the suport forums for GP32. if you have orderd your GP2X from gp32 then this is the direction your pointed in if you need help/support!!
I dont think people are unhappy with you Craig. Like others have said the headphones were only going to be in the batch stock permitting, and i'm sure they were dirt cheap ones anyway which most people arent bothered by.

I asked about the CD as i thought it came with a few games etc, i've been away the last few weeks so i hadnt been to this site in that time realising that there were many progs released.

So i can now totally understand why there isnt a CD, no point doing one just to put a file or two on. But people asked here as they knew would get a quick reponse from other people.

No ones moaning at you about the cd/headphones, thats all sorted out, people just wanted to know what had happened to them that was all. As for the USB problem thats to do with Gamepark and again people were just asking.

You have to realise you are the leader of a GP32 cult ! See what happened when you jokingly said you were going to halt deliveries until you created all these cd's ! Your followers went crazy, threats left right and centre to others !!

I cant wait for the TV Out cable to be released, gonna be amazing using that once more and more emulators are released !
im still having problems with my usb i tried going into usbmon no luck im not sure what else to try ? is it the same on a mac what should i do
Jeet Kune Do is for sissies, real men fight with Drunken Rage


So true

The association im in is part of this guys My Webpage

Paul Vunak is my coach's instructor, his main claim to fame was teaching the SEALS, the only really effective stuff is the Kali and BJJ (and some of the Muay Thai)
I'm hearing the Israeli Army developed Parma... Pakmara... What it's name is is effective.
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i got mine this morning. I didnt have any email saying they had sent it, which i dont mind of course. But, the joystick is very stiff - and the B button on the right is really soft compared to the A button, almost like its worn out already and I havnt turned it on yet! Anyone else notice anything funny like that?

Otherwise im very pleased with GBAX (as per) nice story R case i like that. just the buttons im not v happy with :( (only 10% unhappy) heh
If everyone was informed (with offical information) 99% of these posts/threads wouldn be here, the reason everyone is in such a panic is due to lack of information from the people we have PAYED !!! hard earned money to,and god dam it we have a RIGHT to complain if we not getting what we expected when we PAYED.

stop sucking upto mods/admins/dev's If you think you have a right to complain then do it, these are the suport forums for GP32. if you have orderd your GP2X from gp32 then this is the direction your pointed in if you need help/support!!

Totally agree with you !

I wouldnt say anyone is mad with Craig regardless of headphones/case/cd whatever.

People just wanted to know that was all, Craig responded about the cd and everything else and i'm totally happy.

At one stage due to a section of the GP32 community i'm tempted to jack it in and return it and leave the community as the GP32 scene just isnt as friendly as many others but no i know this device is gonna be brilliant and i want to support it
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The reason that there are delays is because of technical implications that I am sure you are aware of on these forums. The delay in your GP2X is down to this fact alone, and everyone is trying to improve the product that will be sent to you. As you are aware, I am a 'Newbie', but I have the sense to be aware of what is going on. You're product will come to you as soon as it is ready to be dispatched. All this talk of a cd is not delaying you purchase. The fact that there are 'bugs' is!

Now sit patiently and grow the fuck up! B)
Everyone just take a minute make a nice brew!

Sit down and relax, I did and feel all the better for it :) .

No-one on these boards likes to see what is happening, and nobody is saying you can't voice your disappointment at what you got in your preorders either.

It's just that the release got put back by board pressure and now only a few people have their GP2X right now, I'm okay with that. The hardware needed to be tested. I think the CD is a trivial matter, sure I was expecting it to be littered with goodies for us to try out. But the REALITY is there really is not enough out there to make it viable. I do think that Craigix maybe could have in the weeks leading up to launch put a post concerning the CD content, maybe he did, I don't recall seeing one. Maybe he was holding out to the 11th hour to see what CD content he could have, but please don't forget what is currently available is either here on the front page or in Evil Dragon's excellent file archive.

At the moment we have friction, this is leading to these outbursts. If everybody just takes five and cools it, I include myself as I was upset to see that Craigix post referring to burning CD's instead of shipping units. We might just get back to having friendly and helpful discussions.

I for one would like to see a topic that stays on topic. :P

I want to here more about Quake I & II and Hexen and the homebrew game LinesX, the SNES emulator, the good things and the bad, yes but maybe on another thread so I can read that to. B)

Does anyone still have their GP32? just wondering because it still is a fantastic little machine and you can still have fun on that while you wait. :D :D

Please put the FUN back in the boards. :lol:
couldn't care less about a half empty cd and im sure it wont cost much for some decent headphones. I just want to get my hands on some hardware :) As for SDKs and emulators, I think we should all embrace the power of the interweb and make our own cds.