Gpx2 Has Tv-out?

Well, damn, could not post a suggestion, got an error.

I would like to see some sort of cover for the machine, to prevent scratches and such, when it's at the bottom of my pocket, either just stored there, or playing music.
you mean somthing like a case as they are available for every portable console? I don't think this would be a problem. Depending on the measurements you could try to use a GBA case isntead (that's what I currently use for my GP32)
Something tight fitting, made for the machine. A pouch would protect from dust and such, but a Titanium-trinium alloy shield for the top buttons, screen and pad... Cool.
I hope this is a joke. Not that I have anything against TV-out...FOR FREE. It sounds like a delay in launch, unlike the additional memory. This is wild guess and I could be wrong. I could see how It could benefit its Media Player aspects, but again this would be lower down my list of additions to GPnextgen than many other features. But then I want it for games not Media, but now its more viable as a media-player I might change my mind.
What is it with TV out and you guys? You seem to want that more than anything even a fster CPU. Why not just play stuff on you PC or Xbox etc if you want it on a TV. This is a *handheld* If they delay or increase cost, or remove a better feature because of this that would suck.
As the graphics chip they use most probably supports TV Out (most do nowadays), it's just two wires more, so it should neither delay nor make it more expensive.

And booting up the PC just for playing a quick NES game sucks... connect the gpx2 and play. Nice.
Yeah, I totally want TV-out. Imagine, take it round a mates house who has a bigger telly than you and plug in!!!

Now, it would be really cool if this was somehow combined with two-player games, say bubble bobble, so only one TV out is needed.

this has swung the decision for me - i want a GPx2!!!!
tv out is a nice little extra.. could be nice for some games and movies.
if it doesnt make it more expansive (more than 10€) and wont delay the release, i say do it GPH
EvilDragon posted on Aug 10 2005 at 02:11 PM said:
And booting up the PC just for playing a quick NES game sucks... connect the gpx2 and play. Nice.
Exact, this is right what I thought. :-)

Emulation of MAME, Amiga 500, Spectrum, ... on TV in any place and moment like vacations apartment, house of a friend... of a very fast and simple form :-)

Un Saludo.
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except for the fact that all you really have to do to play an emulator on your computer is press 2 buttons and move your mouse like... 3 inches or less... Please tell me I'm not the only one who uses the quicklaunch bar... I really fail to see how it's any more of a pain in the ass to use the computer.
Anarchy @ gp32spain has confirmed that TV-OUT will be integrated, but will need just an optional cable B)
That would require a re-design of the PC-board. That will probably mean a delay. Who knows what will be left out for cost reasons to make up for that connector or how much more will this cost now? Meh, it would have been much nicer to be able to play vertical MAME stuff and/or have a faster CPU instead of stupid blurry/smeary TV-out, which will be useless with HDTVs anyway.
I have told them TV out is essential a while ago, I do hope they have decided to go with it.

Here is my main reason for it: Movies.

Means I can take the X2 to friends houses instead of a DVD-R or somesuch, just copy over the divx file to an SD and plug the X2 into a TV at a friends, no need for DVD player or anything fussy. Any TV anywhere too, real nice.

Also I quite like the idea of all the homebrew/emulators on the big screen too, no need to carry an xbox etc about the house :)

This should really show off the X2 to people in a new way.

When I first heard about the X2 it sounded as if they had every intention of releasing a "archos killer" which mean mostly movies with a nod towards gamming and Homebrew. By that i would have assumed Video out to be an easy choice so maybe it was already on the drawing board before and written off when they started to push the gaming aspect. It could be a simple matter of just pulling that part of the design back up and plugging it in.

My Digital camera has Video out, and all it needs is a small USB like cable with the standard RCA AVcable at the other end. Maybe this is the same thing they'll use?