Gpsp Help Please

  • Thread starter Thread starter MontyQ
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Hello all just a little help please for gpsp the gba emu all works fine on my wiz but im stumped on my pandora...
I have the .pnd with all my other ones in the menu folder then I have in the apps folder a gpsp folder that the pnd made inside i made a folder named roms and placed inside the gba bios file and my game but when \i go to start the emu it says no bios found?

I know the bois works as on wiz is fine so I think maybe its where I have it not sure any help would be great

Thanks in advance :)
The BIOS simply needs to be in gpSP's appdata directory, not inside any other folders within that. I may be misreading your post, but it sounds as though you have it in another location.
Prometheus said:
The BIOS simply needs to be in gpSP's appdata directory, not inside any other folders within that. I may be misreading your post, but it sounds as though you have it in another location.

Thank you still not working lol maybe I am not getting it lol I have..

pandora folder inside that apps appdata desktop and menu

all my .pnd files are in menu (useing minimenu)
gpsp make a file inside appdata called gpspwiz with nothing in it inside it I put my roms and the bios...nothing same thing I tried othere locals and same

Thanks again for the help

EDIT: got it working thanks but why do some apps make a empty folder called .wh..wh.orph ?
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MontyQ said:
EDIT: got it working thanks but why do some apps make a empty folder called .wh..wh.orph ?
I'm glad to hear that you've gotten it working! :)

As for the empty folder, that's part of the union filesystem (which in essence, to put it very very simply, is essentially used to "trick" apps which are used to running on a hard drive and having everything they need in particular places into thinking the same is so when running on a Pandora) that's used when a PND is run. They're supposed to automatically get cleaned up afterwards, but this isn't always the case - they're harmless so you don't need to worry about removing them.
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Hi, while we are on the topic, I've got gpsp running, and it runs fine the first time I run it, but if I close it and run it a second time any game that I tried runs VERY slow (1 fps), I tried redownloading the pnd, deleting the appdata folder, nothing help, the only thing that get it run normally again is formatting my sd card, which is less than ideal if I've got to format my sd card every time I want to play gpsp. All the other emulators and games runs fine and the card format is fat32.
any help is greatly appreciated :)

edit: it runs fine from minimenu :P didn't try that before, but still, why's this happening when trying to run from xfce?
Prometheus said:
MontyQ said:
EDIT: got it working thanks but why do some apps make a empty folder called .wh..wh.orph ?
I'm glad to hear that you've gotten it working! :)

As for the empty folder, that's part of the union filesystem (which in essence, to put it very very simply, is essentially used to "trick" apps which are used to running on a hard drive and having everything they need in particular places into thinking the same is so when running on a Pandora) that's used when a PND is run. They're supposed to automatically get cleaned up afterwards, but this isn't always the case - they're harmless so you don't need to worry about removing them.

Thanks for the info :)

as for below I use minimenu so I am not sure sorry
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Today, I also installed GPSP onto my Pandora, I already had alot of fun with the GP2X version of this great Emulator. :)
The Emu works onto the Pandora but it has one big fun killer that makes me sad: I can't get the image to full screen, image is still smaller in the scaled version, means borders top and down. Is there a way to scale it better to "full" screen? At least with better image quality. ^^
yes, I didn't see first that this version of GPSP is actualy the WIZ version. ^^ And I forgot, that the Pandora only has 400 Pixel vertical res, not 480. So the 160px vertical res of the GBA can't fit in straight 3x. :ph34r:
However, it looks OK. And the straight 2x scale is not that small so I can deal with it. The GP2X Version of GPSP also had thick borders because the GBA res doesn't fit in the screen if scaled up, and 1:1 imag there was even smaller. :)
fusion_power said:
And I forgot, that the Pandora only has 400 Pixel vertical res, not 480. So the 160px vertical res of the GBA can't fit in straight 3x. :ph34r:
pandy screen is 480px tall, so the GBA screen could be scalled exactly 3 times.
Currently, gpsp scale to Wiz resolution, then ginge scale that on pandora's screen.
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sebt3 said:
fusion_power said:
And I forgot, that the Pandora only has 400 Pixel vertical res, not 480. So the 160px vertical res of the GBA can't fit in straight 3x. :ph34r:
pandy screen is 480px tall, so the GBA screen could be scalled exactly 3 times.
Currently, gpsp scale to Wiz resolution, then ginge scale that on pandora's screen.
Ok, then I was right at first with my guess, to many Handhelds these days with so many different screen sizes, can't keep all in my head... :lol:
Can I set the real res of the Pandora somehow with a config file or starting parameters or some other tricks? Like Mupen64 does with its cfg file, you can combine alot of Resoulutions/scalings there, there also is a value of the real screen size of your device, pretty useful for finding the right aspect ratio and the centering of the resized image. :)
Or is this all really "hardcoded" within the program?
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fusion_power said:
sebt3 said:
fusion_power said:
And I forgot, that the Pandora only has 400 Pixel vertical res, not 480. So the 160px vertical res of the GBA can't fit in straight 3x. :ph34r:
pandy screen is 480px tall, so the GBA screen could be scalled exactly 3 times.
Currently, gpsp scale to Wiz resolution, then ginge scale that on pandora's screen.
Ok, then I was right at first with my guess, to many Handhelds these days with so many different screen sizes, can't keep all in my head... :lol:
Can I set the real res of the Pandora somehow with a config file or starting parameters or some other tricks? Like Mupen64 does with its cfg file, you can combine alot of Resoulutions/scalings there, there also is a value of the real screen size of your device, pretty useful for finding the right aspect ratio and the centering of the resized image. :)
Or is this all really "hardcoded" within the program?
You can't use the native Pandora res because GPsp thinks it is running on a Wiz.

The only way to get the full res would be a native port.
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