Gpscummvm Problem

Monkey Island has sound on the GP32, it just depends which version you are playing.

If you have the original version which came on floppy disk etc it has PC speaker sound which the GP32 can replicate. The problem is if you use the newer versions which had reworked CD sound so you can't get that onto the SMC. the same goes for MI2...

Quick Tip: If the actions in MI1 appear in a MI2 style, with pictures for the inventory items, you are playing the updated version, the original had more verbs and they were written in simple green pixel font. I think there were EGA & VGA versions too...

Hope this helps...

Star Trek - 25th Anniversary and Star Trek - Judgement Rites are also great adventure games, I would love to play these on the GP32, but that's pretty unlikely. Worth checking out, especially if you can find the CD version of 25th Anniversary which has full speech, recorded by the real cast of Star Trek.

In addition to my previous post, there is a run-down of the incarnations of Monkey Island here:

Which might help you decide which version to try and use on the GP32...

Also, I have noticed 2 ports of SCUMMVM for GP32. I'm not sure what they are each called, but I originally had a version which could not save correctly and then I tracked down someone else's port which solved this, but the 'mouse' pointer was slower (hard to grab that fish in the SCUMM bar kitchen!) ;-)


PS: Daz - I'll second that! :-)
I finished monkey 1 last week. I had no problems at all. I used ScummVM for the gp32 and the 256 color floppy version of monkey 1.