Is there somebody to explain me (maybe again, or show me where I can find this information) how I can make Monkey Island cd rom version run with sound on my Scumm GP...
r there any scumm games with voices in game which can be played? i mean if the voice file would be less 128mb.
so, would dott work if the sound file would be less than 128mb?
oh... then I missunderstood... I thought the 3c version can do that...
but according to what I read DJWillis is still working on the ogg support, right?
[I give all my courage to him in this post coz GPScumm is so great & if he can make it reach the perfect point then it would be amazing for us , fan of his work (without forgetting phOx of course ;p]
r there any scumm games with voices in game which can be played? i mean if the voice file would be less 128mb.
so, would dott work if the sound file would be less than 128mb?
Hummmm I currently got Monkey Island 1 with every audio files converted in ogg which suits perfectly in a small SMC (it's only about 40 Mo), then LOOM which is about the same (40) & DOTT which is abit more (something like 60 Mo
so yes voice are definitly possible one day on our GP32
Pray with me to get some news from DJWillis & his new release about GPScumm soon