Gph Confirms Drm Is Nothing To Be Scared Off.


Still Fresh
Dec 5, 2004
Sweden --> Öland
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GamePark Holdings has now confirmed that the DRM has the same function on the GP2X as the GP32, i.e. it only appeal to commerical games made by third party developers, that GPH will sell via their website.
So no worry about mp3 or videos or something like that ;) !

Most of us already knew that, but it's nice to actually see a confirmation from GPH about it, me thinks :)

anyhow hurricanes, poverty and diesease are to be scared of not a silly litlle thing called DRM
If it is copy protection for games, best to call it that.

DRM encompasses a whole load of other things, many of which are really bad things that the gp2x wouldn't want to associate with.

If it is being marketed to Open Source enthusiasts then I suspect the term DRM will lose it more friends than it makes.

Remember DRM also means: loss of functionality (TiVo deleting shows), imprisoning scientists (skylaroff vs adobe), extra-legal copyright extension via never expiring DRM, no DVD for Linux (DVD Jon & CSS),...

The list of eroded rights and evil associated with the acronym DRM is endless.

Might be better to call this feature "copy protection for games" and avoid having to constantly explain and maybe lose sales. The boingboing debacle may just be a litmus test.
If you thin the term DRM is scary go to their forum and post it there, as it's not likely to do anything posting it here since the regulars already know what it means.
Jarska333 posted on Sep 24 2005 at 01:53 PM said:
What about DrMD? :ph34r:
Maybe as GBAx are the official supporters of DRMD they will put DRMD on it, so that you can only used DRMD on GP2x's bought straight from them... :lol:
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According to a new BoingBoing report, the Gp2X DRM will kidnap your mother and force to you perform perverted acts with fruit if you ever want to see her alive again.


Did you hear... that? OMG, it's helicopters outside my window... black heli... *NOOOOOoooooooooo... they gots me! Damn you DRM!!!!!!