Gpdrive / Gp32 File Transfer On Linux


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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Twinbee needs help, so twinbee's decided to talk in third person for the remainder of this post.

Twinbee's currently backing up files and running over things that he'll desperately need because he's going to install Redhat 9. What's the status of GPDrive running under Linux, or what other software will he need to transfer files from pc to gp32?
I never succeed in making GpDrive work on my Linux Mandrake 9.1, but you can use gplink, wich is a command line tools to communicate with GP32
GPlink is a good commandline way to transfer files from linux to GP32. If you have a SMC writer thats your best bet, its much easier to just drag and drop files :P

I dont know if GPDrive has a linux version, or if Wine works with the windows version....

Maybe someone should write a gui front end for gplink...
I'm afraid I don't, so GPLink is gonna have to be my best bet. :)

No doubt i'm gonna spend the next couple of days downloading a crapload of dependencies aswell. :lol:
Here is a GUI front end for gplink:

I had no success either with gpdrive under linux...

That is strange, maybe we should send debug logs to Squidge and ask him to correct the problem (I did post some debug in one of my previous posts in fact)... It shouldn't be too hard, because USB operations shouldn't be too much OS-dependant...

I would like to fix GPDrive myself, because we got the sources, but I really know nothing about USB protocol...

No USB guru using linux here?
Squidge can't fix the problem because he doesn't use linux. I've taken a quick look at the code myself, but then my 2.6.x kernel stopped detecting the gp32 :) (not gpdrive's fault - I was messing with the kernel and must have changed too many things :)). I'm sure I heard that someone has had a little success with it, but it's still very unstable.