GPCinema Problem


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Got GPCinema but when I try to run it it wont start up :'(

Moviepark Booted up fine... What do you think Is wrong?? I turned GP32 on Etc started PCLink hacked version up, uninstalled Moviepark and Installed GPCinema. The Icon shows up in the Original Firmwares select part but it wont load...

Do I need a movie on my SMC Before it will start or something????

Wooops installed it wrong lol :D.... Sorry all

Feel Free to delete this thread mods :D hehe
I have a small question... I dunno if it's already answered on this forum (didn't find the answer), but here goes....

From what I understand, you need to register your bought version of GPcinema to your GP32 in order to make it work.

But my problem is that my gp32 was never registered on the gamepark site (I had to do it manually with the GPS prog and PDUI (or sth like that) in order to use the freelauncher etc.... So is it possible for me to install GPcinema on my GP32?


You have to register to entware(joygp) with a different username/password to the one you used when you originally registered with gamepark so as long as pc-link works then you should be fine but if you use a smartcard reader then i dont know...
thx joe :-)

I already registered before, but the problem was that the old register-program didn't connect to the internet....

Finally, the new register program allows me to connect to the internet and register my gp32.... (had to do it manually before, which was quite a pain in the ass ;) )
