well hello mr fancy pants youve obviously had a collage education well done for spoting the one time i made a mistake in the whole thread YOU DICK im asking for help not smart arse comments
well hello mr fancy pants youve obviously had a collage education well done for spoting the one time i made a mistake in the whole thread YOU DICK im asking for help not smart arse comments
Well he shouldnt have been any of them im greatfull to the people that helped but people who take the piss shouldnt :angry: theres no point it just winds people up and thats not what the communities about. Anyway i sorted the problem out what you need to do is delete all cookies in order to get to the download page on the english gamepark site
If i remember corectly to get free launcher log into gamepark then when it dosent work go delete the cookie for the gamepark site then login again then it should work for you
i hope this works im pretty sure thats it but u must delete the cookie manually dont just clear the cache etc.