Gpcinema/moviepark Prob


Still Fresh
Mar 3, 2004

I have 2 gp32s one play's movie fine with Moviepark and a purchased GP cinema. The other plays doom & games fine but I get screen distortion playing movies on either movie player for this GP32, the more I lighten the screen the blocky grey (pixels) fade out but it eventually gets to bland and pale to see properly,

It was bought 2nd hand is it possible it is/was overclocked?? and this is corrupting the screen on playback. Or is it to do with the Bios, I now have the same Bios in both machines, as someone suggested this might cure the issue.

It's very frustrating as both machines perform perfectly other than this issue.

I have not got the new free GPcinema to work has anyone else, where do you store the files? as only the Help file works, the explorer to find the avi's doesn't work. any ideas again does it need an updated bios

any comments would be excellent, especially if we can fix the playback issue.


Paul :)
;) Thxs for the quick reply, but where do I download the Blu Bios, did your screen corrupt (pixcillate) when playing avi's to.


:P could you post the link to download the bios you used to upgrade the GP32. Please!!!!


Paul :blink:
thats no gp problem, look the movie on pc, it will be the same, its a "ot so good" encode, its calld block effects

sorry if iam wrong
Vimacs posted on Jul 24 2004 at 10:28 PM said:
thats no gp problem, look the movie on pc, it will be the same, its a "ot so good" encode, its calld block effects

sorry if iam wrong
I've had the same problem and it works fine on the pc. It never used to happen till I had to format my pc. I still can't figure out how to fix it :(.
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No they play fine on the other gp32, it is definitely a problem with this gp32 either firmware prob or overclocked or are their any display drivers updates? Could anyone post the Blu firmware update :P Do I get it from Korean website as the english version is not up yet, I don't speak korean. someone please post.


:( Come on guys! does anyone know where to get the Blu firmware as no one is posting it. whats up is it illegal or something???? someone must know where it is, as I would like to see if it sorts the movie problem and fikes the Freeware GPcinema problem.


Paul :P
What firmware do you have on the GP32 that plays movies fine


What firmware do you have on the GP32 that doesn`t play movies fine.

Bouncing G ball + scrolling GAMEPARK GP32 = Euro firmware.

Rotating Game, Mp3, Link Icons = Korean firmware.
