OK, what's the problem? I hear you cry...
When I get to a certain point in a film (always about 1 hr 20 minutes) I can no longer Fast Forward or Rewind. When I try theGP32 resets... I can still pause the action, but if I miss something I can't rewind without resetting...
I've tried several SMCs, different films, slightly different Vdub Settings (although I'd quite like not to have to change them in any major way, as they work well for me), oh yes, and FRESH BATTERIES... It gets really annoying when you've watched 1hr 45 of a film and get nudged, resetting the GP32.. Then you have to FF through to 1hr 20, and watch 20-25 mins of film again, if you ain't careful!!
Also any idea if GPCine is still being developed? If so how about a Bookmark function....?