I've read on this forum that several people stated they use the lastest build of XVid to make movies for GpCinema. Could someone upload or describe his settings? because I can't get XVid 1.x to work with GpCinema
i second that. i had to upgrade my xvid from the two year old version that entware's gpcinema page recommended, and i couldn't get the settings right to get it to play in gpcinema yet.
(This isn't a "search the forum flame - I just happen to have the link saved and don't ant to spend time loading it on rubbishy dial-up!)
The settings in the last post or so give the settings that work for me (original firmeware and non-free version of GPcinema), but there's someone else who can't get it to work.
This is going back a few years, but I used this guide: http://www.btinternet.com/%7Ewaystation/gpcin.html to encode movies using the Xvid "1.0 final" build. I can't remember where I got my copy of Xvid, sorry.
Hmm, now I've got all this information up I might start putting some new stuff onto my GP, rather than just cycling through the same six episodes of simpsons/red dwarf...