GP32UK Independance Day ??

did a bit more snooping around

they have the .com registry entry as well

both are registered to a uk company called action pact

guess they are gonna be a stockist ? thought for a minute that might be the uk company but they look too small
"No offence to them, but they look a pretty crap company....."

Pretty harsh words don't you think? Did you base this off the html code.. ?

It's this kind of attitude which sees underground toys (like the gp32) lose support. Stop being so mean and show a little support.
No, I was talking about their buggy website, that they seem to have sold next to nothing from and that has next to nothing for sale.

And as they are one shop in north yorkshire, I dont see how they can help the GP32.......
I agree, support with spelling errors is better than no support at all. The html is indeed interesting :P

btw hey Ben, how's it going? ;)
Good thanks matt.. Starting to get a bit warm down south... Time to go back to an office job.. :D
Looks good to me, hope it progresses soon...

What does Shaking Spirit base his opinions on??
Fools should be banned from decent forums :P
I went into my local Game store and [more for a joke] went upand asked if they stocked GP32 games. I got the shock of my life when the manager whom i was asking said not yet but maybe soon. Then I grasped the bull by the horns and asked when the official GP32 release date was and he reckoned on late Nov/early Dec?!!!! :o

The cogs in my tiny little thinkbox just went 'round n 'round. All i could think of for the rest of the day was that "Game" had not only heard of the gamepark but were maybe planning on stocking it and supporting it

Excuse me but


Anyone else had the same reaction yet?
Go ask immediately at your local Game stores. Try HMV maybe?
GamewhousedtobeElectronicsBoutique were always a bit crappy but if they are serious then they've got themselves an instant lifelong supporter/sucker err customer hehe

[btw, current locale=the west mids]
1. I'm just sadistic, it's the way I am :)

2. I was chatting to a guy in HMV about the GP32, and he recons that there could be a deal set up (HMV seem to like backing 'smallandunheardofyetbloodyamazing' things dont they? :))

3. I base my opinions on trying to buy something on their site, which gave me a 404 when I tried to add it to the basket, at the 2 other cars that I liked the look of were out of stock.........
if that is true then i seriously can't wait. it'd be so good to go into your local game/hmv and purchase a couple gp32 games......esecially with blood cross and wbw on the horizon

edit-- what other 'smallandunheardofyetbloodyamazing' things have hmv stocked?