Well-Known Member
It would be pretty easy to make a program if someone made the hardware, only problem is that it would have to be direct IP connect
Bwahahahahhahahahaa!!!If the gp32 was a fairy, the gplink was a Unicorn, the wire that plugs you're gp32 into you're computer via the ext port is a forest path, the computers being castles, the magical forest being the internet, and pixy dust being game date (data packets)
The Fairy normaly uses a unicorn to move the pixie dust to the next fairy. If you wanted to play againts another person via the internet, you'd trick you're gp32 by using a horse which takes a path throught the magical forest from you're castle to the other persons castle. Then they use their horse to move the pixy dust to their Fairy.
I think what is being said here is that you would need to make a special cable that connected the EXT port to the PC serial port and then the PC would basically emulate the functions of an RF link enabling the GP32 to talk to other GP32 via the PCs internet connection. Which doesn't sound impossible, only highly improbable.The ext with the gplink receives data for multiplayer games, so if you could plug the gp32 into the computer using the ext cable, you could recieve data packets from a person on their gp32 sending data packets through their gp32 in to a wire that sends that data packets through the internet to you're computer, and you're computer could then put the data packets on to you're gp32 mimicking the gplink
Any data that goes in the serial port on the server end will go out the serial port on the client PC and vice versa.