It would be pretty easy to make a program if someone made the hardware, only problem is that it would have to be direct IP connect :(
If the gp32 was a fairy, the gplink was a Unicorn, the wire that plugs you're gp32 into you're computer via the ext port is a forest path, the computers being castles, the magical forest being the internet, and pixy dust being game date (data packets)

The Fairy normaly uses a unicorn to move the pixie dust to the next fairy. If you wanted to play againts another person via the internet, you'd trick you're gp32 by using a horse which takes a path throught the magical forest from you're castle to the other persons castle. Then they use their horse to move the pixy dust to their Fairy. :D

I must remember that analogy next time I fix a PC for a dumbass user at our company.

"Yes, the magic pixies come in the night and fix your Server while you are sleeping soundly dreaming of Fairies and Unicorns.." When in reality I am there till 4am say in a pile of SCSI cables and RAID boards......
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The ext with the gplink receives data for multiplayer games, so if you could plug the gp32 into the computer using the ext cable, you could recieve data packets from a person on their gp32 sending data packets through their gp32 in to a wire that sends that data packets through the internet to you're computer, and you're computer could then put the data packets on to you're gp32 mimicking the gplink
I think what is being said here is that you would need to make a special cable that connected the EXT port to the PC serial port and then the PC would basically emulate the functions of an RF link enabling the GP32 to talk to other GP32 via the PCs internet connection. Which doesn't sound impossible, only highly improbable.

Now, where did I put that Bambleweeny Submeesian Electronic Brain and Hot Cup Of Tea..... :lol:

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I have a cable that connects to the ext port that connect to the printer port on the pc

What you would have to do is setup the software to read the data bits from the serial port which then sends the data through the internet to some1 who has the other program open which takes that data and sends it to the serial port which the gp32 is connected to then vice versa when the data is sent back

To be even simpler

Both people launch a program

Both plug the gp32 into there serial port

Both connect to each others using 1 person as a HOST and other as a SLAVE

Then when the connection is done data is sent to each gp32 from ther serial to the internet which is then sent to the other persons pc which then sends that data to the gp32.


I think i need to make a diagram ^^;

But yeah the way we can do it is workout the signals and then send them through the internet to the other pc

Should be fairly simple well not hard but or really simple either but yeah u get the idea :ph34r:
....And surely if it goes to the Printer port, that is serial, not parallel?

Was it from that panasonic phone that has the same connections?

It is a parallel port but it is serial but u could use an adapter to make it serial

But i got the cable off my old mp3 from PINE

It works great im pretty sure if some1 had a program up monitoring the data signals from the parallel port when u try to do multi player in a game they should be able to send that data to another computer for the other gp32 user :)

Only problem is i dont have a gp32 (friend was gonna get 1 in korea but he was kicked out of the country) so i dont know whats happening

But i guess if it was needed i could send the cable to some1 but im sure it be easier to build there own.

But im wondering if any1 (windows/linux/dos programmer) can read data from the parallel port and send it to another pc would actually try to do it?

I might not get a gp32 as im in australia and i dont wanna spend over $200 for 1

Oh well :(

I'll get the pinout of the cable up here as soon as i can ok :)

Yeah i know mofo but i think i found the thing we need :D

This software below is a Serial to tcp/ip

in otherwords u can send your serial data to another pc

Altho i dont know if it lets u send the data back to the same person unless u have both running a server and a client :\

but it would be a simple way to see if we can fake the RF mod then we can get a programmer to do it :)

Any data that goes in the serial port on the server end will go out the serial port on the client PC and vice versa.

Well it looks like all we need is 2 people with a game that uses RF and the cable for the gp32 to pc :)

Cool thing is we can do a 30day trial using the software :)

then we just make our own GP32 TUNNEL (altho we need a way for people to see other people maybe a chatroom? etc.)

But i think we need a person who knows about the serial to pc cable as we need to make the 5v to 3v from the pc serial port which is simple but cause the pc serial port is RS232 and the Gp32 serial port is UART so if we do convert the UART to RS232 which is possible we would have to convert it back to UART on the other pc hmmm :\

This is where u can get the cable


somebody should try this...

also what if you put something in geepee for online gaming, play multiplayer with geepee and your gp32...or have 1 person on the net use geepee and another use their gp32... so that you can use either gp32 or geepee, or both get the idea...
well problem is geepee32 has no sound

the other problem is the source code isnt available (dont think it is) and only the proper games to buy work with geepee32 (u can crack the games but we dont want that to happen)

But u could edit geepee32 to send the serial data that it emulates to another person with it open but thats not a good idea

Still we need 2 people who have a gp32 and both must have a game that supports the RF function then we need to get some1 to help us with making proper cable for this.

Be nice to be laying on your bed playing a online game on the gp32 :)

Still we have 1 problem working out the hardware

I might be able to do this but we need 2 people to test this out

Any1 wanna give it ago?

i would, but im broke =/

i look on the internet about information on the cable, and just make one from scratch.
My friend at work is a programmer using Visual Basic and i migt be able 2 get him to make a small program 2 send serial data to another pc i'll have 2 ask about this but if so we need 2 ppl with rf capable games.
visual basic? bah, i could either get one of my friends to do it in c++, or better yet, my uncle to do it in asm. but i guess visual basic would suffice for this.... :rolleyes:
It would be better in asm or c++ so it could be ported over to linux and mac people who wanna play online :)

altho i cant remember if c++ is portable to linux etc

But to start we need 2 people so i will post in the DEV forum to see what they think
