Gp32blu In Europe - Marketing Power

I guess adding a free CD to the GP32 pack is easier then adding a manual inside the box...

Everybody that will buy a GP32, would get a CD with homebrew stuff...
(not in the box, just let the seller give it to the buyer)
:ph34r: lets sneak round all the factories, slipping CDs full of homebrew into the boxes
Deleted User posted on May 30 2004 at 01:06 PM said:
:ph34r: lets sneak round all the factories, slipping CDs full of homebrew into the boxes
Ninja Style :D... hehe...

Now I like FireFox, teh Image Blocker is cool :P hehe...
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We could always make our own advertisements seperate from the virginplay ones that mention Homebrew/emulators....

that would most likely attract some attention...
Lets be honest - The average kid who thinks about buying a gp32 in the stores aint gonna give a damn if theres a load of free tetris,2d fighters,puzzlers that if they search around on the internet they can play.

They are gonna want to play FIFA,3D racers,RPG`s and whatever else is big at the time.

They are gonna take one look at the lineup with a load of completely unreconizable (and for the most part fairly crappy) release titles and keep walking and buy a GBA.

The only way the GP32 even has the slightest chance of surviving less than 5 mins is to have a long list of games that people know and are worth playing.

GP32`s got no chance

But at least we get the chance to get a BLU outa it
Another suggestion, why not write emails to all the various games magazines (CVG for instance) that we can think of regarding the european release details asking if they might publish a review/advert in their magazines (assuming that they didn't know/care). Might seem like a silly idea, but even if only one generally available magazine writes a little article then there will be many, many more sales.
Additionally, how did we all get interested in the Gamepark in the first place? I read a little (read tiny) article in CVG (hence the above comment) and looked into the machine a little further on the internet and bought one that evening. I suppose that there are more than games magazines -- big website like &, newpaper tech columns, general magazines like FHM & T3.
Assuming that you think that this is a good idea then we need to set up a thread containing a good general letter, then people copy the letter and send to various magzines/websites etc., and in the posts below state where they have sent it so that we don't send the same people several copies of the same letter. Between use we could inform perhaps over one hundred people who are in a position to write a review/advert.
This is just a thought but if people think it is worthwhile then I am willing to start the thread a write a letter.

Lets hear your thoughts... :)
When some terrorist kills people, we should say we know him and he loves GP32.
Maybe the GP32 will reach the news.

Or we kill every kid that has a GBA, and parents will buy a GP32...
I see a mayor problem in medias, whichknow nothing about the GP32 but act exactly the other way... I mean that they act like they know everything about it but aren't interested anyway.

For the German speaking fanbase: One of this magazine is GameFront ( don't care about the GP32 anymore after the cancellation of the European launch by Mitsui. They stoped reporting about it and even told me via mail that they think, the GP32 production was stopped and it's lifespan is already over... I mean... c'mon, why does such a big magazine believe such a crappy rumour? (If someone wants to teach them a lesson... their official email address is