Certified Guru
Haha, I'll throw my '98 Escort into the mix. It shifts automatically (that's right by itself), so watch out! B)
Buy a psp if u want good commercial games that u have to pay for. you know sony wont let it be cracked for ever other wise there goes their profits.
Now about that escort..........................................
Haha, I'll throw my '98 Escort into the mix. It shifts automatically (that's right by itself), so watch out! B)
I just noticed that a certain member of this forum doesn´t miss any opportunity to write negative things about a certain handheld and also keeps accusing anyone who mentions this console (in a not- negative way) to be a fanboy...
:rolleyes: Z fanboiz...
De Gizmondo is niets vergelijken met de PSP, ik zweer het het is echt de beste Multimedia/Game handheld die er is (op dit momentall handshelds are nice in my opinion.
i wouldnt buy a zodiac myself because its too expensive. and i am going to buy the gizmondo when it gets avaible here.
When you said this, have you considered that the video playback of the PSP is rather poor? Maximum resolution is only 320x240, while many recent PDA´s offer much more, plus the video formats you can use are quite restricted in comparison to those supported by PDAs.I swear the PSP is the best Multimedia/[...] handeld there is (at this moment)
When you said this, have you considered that the video playback of the PSP is rather poor? Maximum resolution is only 320x240, while many recent PDA´s offer much more, plus the video formats you can use are quite restricted in comparison to those supported by PDAs.I swear the PSP is the best Multimedia/[...] handeld there is (at this moment)
microsoft supports the gizmondo (with mechassault, aoe, etc)
and i heard that halo might be availble for it. so there is one real killer app avaible.
i just hope they use the power of the gizmondo.
microsoft supports the gizmondo (with mechassault, aoe, etc)
and i heard that halo might be availble for it. so there is one real killer app avaible.
i just hope they use the power of the gizmondo.
You left out one important statistic: *2.8"* TFT screen ~ 240 x 320 pixels.
Much smaller than either the GP32 or PSP.
yeh it will be cracked but with every new crack sony will make u upgrade the firmware to play the new games. think of a hole in the wall then sony fills it then a new hole starts some ware else and it will be only a matter of time before sony finds that one. sonys going to do all they can to stop it so they dont lose cash.Buy a psp if u want good commercial games that u have to pay for. you know sony wont let it be cracked for ever other wise there goes their profits.
Now about that escort..........................................
I find it funny the amount of people that think this. Sony will never stop it being cracked.
So i wouldnt worry about that.