gp32 phone connection??


Still Fresh
Jul 21, 2003
On the official website there is a picture of the gp32 connected to a mobile phone
Is there any phone that does this or is it just advertising bull?

any comments welcome..........
personally, that was one of the selling points for me. I am quite disturbed that it is all a lie, and as much as I would like to complain to Gamepark, they would never answer my mail anyway.
well if gameparks amazing ability as a company is anythign to go by. They probably have a flash viewer + html viewer under the sleeves but haven't quite realised people would like to have them :P
A flash viewer is supposed to be released sometime in the third quater of 2003 according to an interview with someone at gamepark, which would mean that either plans have changed, or we should be getting one any time now
phone connection would be useless to us (us outside of korea) as i know that in japan they have standardised cell phone connectors for example the gba has cell phone connectivity in japan and its possible that in korea they also standardise or they could be just working with one phone company
oh well i just thought that they may not have relased the cables/software yet

presumably a usb compatible phone cant be connected to the usb port either as both are "slave" devices

this sucks i think gamepark aught to pull their finger out and give us what they advertised

(including a web browser of some kind)
What we need is a Psion emulator. They have Opera for it. One model of Psion has a 320x240 display,8meg of ram, and an ARM processor- similar to us, so the version of Opera would work very well. Only problem is the psion uses an infrared port to communicate with a PC/mobile phone to get it's connection, not RF that you get for the GP.