Gp32 PC-link


Still Fresh
Dec 24, 2002
Question: where do I find the ROMS for the GP32 emulators? Are they the same than those for computers. If yes, do I have to do anything to them?

Also, I'm confused about the whole folder thing. Where do I have to put ports, Roms, Emulators....

Finally, For some reason the authentication software isn't working, and I can't manage to register my GP32. Is that really bad, or does it not matter at all.

Thanking you for your help.

P.S: For some reason, the WAD file from Doom keeps on deleting itself everytime I install it. Does anyone else have that problem?
To test your misc emulators for GP32 straight forward to PD Roms where you find a bunch of roms for many emulated system. Put emulators and actually all stuff which you run using free gp_launcher to GPMM directory. Put all files (roms, scumm files etc.) exactly to dirs desribed in manuals which you can find with every emulator archives. Usually those are: GPMM/Snes (for fast Snes emu), SMC32 for SMS Emulator by Aj0 and Masterlator etc. Read those readme.txt included in archives.
About gp authenthication software. Don't know really what to say. If you do everything as they said on gamepark's english page you should register you gp without any problem. Check if you didnt miss any step.

For some reason, the WAD file from Doom keeps on deleting itself everytime I install it. Does anyone else have that problem
Actually cant help you with this problem.
^ offcours if you want some public-domain roms...but if you want some real games you have to tapedown in google :msx roms or snes roms or gbc roms etc. What roms do you want?
um, sorry if this sounds stupid, but what is the "free gp_launcher"...?

Update: still don't know what the free launcher is... Anywho, I put the fxe file for Snes9XGP in the GPMM folder, along with four smc files... The GP32 tells me there are no games...
Am I missing a file?
Do I need to create a folder somewhere for the ROMs (I didn't see that mentioned anywhere in the readme...)?
Or could it be that I don't have the free launcher, in which case, where do I get it?

All of this is happening on a 64 meg SmartMedia, freshly formatted, and with nothing but the 5 files mentioned above.
BTW, I think I managed to register successfully... I don't know of any way to check that but it told me it worked, so YAY!
Oh, and P.S.: When I click on the sign in button after entering my info, it makes an explorer type thing open. I think it's showing my computer, what is that for.
Thanks TONS for all the help. Maybe one of these days I'll actually figure out how to make this thing work :D
fresh out of the box the GP32 is only capable of running programs (*.gxe) and those are encrypted for either you pduid or smcid. The pduid is the ID of your gp32, the smcid is the ID of a certain smart media card. What this means is that programs are encrypted to either _only_ run on _your_ gp32, or only on the smc it was released on. With this system GP is capable of offering copy protected games on smart media cards, and via the internet (the games you download via the internet are encrypted to only run on your gp32).

FXE are free executables and are not encrypted. To run them you need the GP LAUNCHER program, wich is an encrypted program, install it on your gp32 and start the fxe's from there. So basically what you need to do is register your gp32 with gamepark, get the free launcher program specially encrypted so it'll run on your gp32. I got my version of gp_launc encrypted via some other way so I can't tell you how to register and stuff since I've never done it myself, but there are people on this board who can tell you how to do it.

When you have the files, put the gp_launc.gxe in gp://game/ and the gp_launc.gxc in gp://game/gp_launc/
Select 'games' and start the launcher, and if you've done everything right you'll see a list of stuff to run.

I hope you get it running, have fun with your new baby :)


ps: we should REALLY have a gp32 newbie guide :)
We should REALLY have a gp32 newbie guide :)
VERY good Idea, too bad that beginners site in the links section in down. Anyway, thank's again for all of your help, it's amazing that it's easier to get help on consoles other than the GBA...
Update: FINALLY, it works, though the SNES is a little slow...... Thanks again (.....again) for all of your help!
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YAY! Problems galore!

After a while , every single game I have on every SMC starts flickering.
It gets to the point where the screen goes white or the GP reboots.
For most of my FXE games, the GP restarts as soon as I try to launch them... This is freaking me out, since I've only had the GP for about a week and really played starting yesterday.... hrm.. not good at all.....

Update: OK... I always post these things too early... It took me about 3 hours before I even THOUGHT of changing the battery... GOD!
With all the stuff I've gone through I think I'm ready to make a newbie page...
Hey everyone.

I registered my GP32 and I got the PCLink thing. I also got the GP_Launch.zpk. What do I do with this? I can't get anything working yet, and I think that the GP_Launch.zpk may have something to do with it.

Thanx for the help.
Put a SMC into your GP32 .
Use the PC-Link Host to make a connection to GP32 .
Format the SmartMedia Card .
Chose : File-> Install-> and select the FreeLaucher file .
Unzip the games and copy and past all the files (including extra game folders) to the GPMM folder .
When you chose the game option , the FreeLaucher should be used to select your games .

BG Tetris 0.1.1 is very nice .

Download the MOD Player .
Get some MOD tracks here:

And some MP3 here:
I'll do a newbie guide if you want, I know i'm new at this but I've gotten quite far now.

Let me know and i'll Knock one up.

Mooby :rolleyes: