Questions about emulators


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
When I want to save when I am running an emu, do I just save in the game and then turn off the gp32? How do I save and make sure that a save file is created(for gpvgb, fnes, gpengine, sms, and snes9xgp)? Also some emus don't have a readme to say where the roms go gpengine and fnes. Where would I put the roms for these emulators?
Suppose the easiest way is to try and load the game back in.....

GPengine - can in theory put the roms anywhere, but I think a folder called 'GPengine' in GPMM is the right one (dont have my GP32 on hand at the moment to check...)
Suppose the easiest way is to try and load the game back in.....

GPengine - can in theory put the roms anywhere, but I think a folder called 'GPengine' in GPMM is the right one (dont have my GP32 on hand at the moment to check...)
I thought that for some emulators you had to push buttons like L+A or something like that after you saved so that you can exit the emulator and then exit free launcher. So all I have to do is save in the game and then turn off my gp32?
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From my experience, in GBVGP, you have to exit to the menu (by holding L), for the emu to save the sram to the SMC. Do not quit using L+R, as that does not save :) - lost about 10 levels of mario picross to that :P - and another ten to my batteries ;)
From my experience, in GBVGP, you have to exit to the menu (by holding L), for the emu to save the sram to the SMC. Do not quit using L+R, as that does not save :) - lost about 10 levels of mario picross to that :P - and another ten to my batteries ;)
do I have to do anything like that for the other emulators(fnes, gpengine, sms32, snes9xgp)?
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