Gp32 On Gp2x?

triton posted on Oct 30 2005 at 02:25 AM said:
the blu isnt really faster than a normal gp32, but most BLUs overclock better than NLUs and FLUs sometimes up to nearly 200mhz stabily the 2x i imagine would be nearly 2x as fast processor wise than an overclocked 32 but, hey, i might just be talking out of my ass on that one :p

yeah, but you're considering OVERCKLOCKED GP32s , and STOCK GP2x ;)

that makes quite a difference :p if you compare non-overcklocked machines, then the GP2x is quite MUCH more powerful ;)

but if you wanna compare overcklockings, we don't know yet how far can go a GP2x , and we don't even know IF it's overcklockable, maybe it will need a hardware mod or whatever ;)

or maybe it will reach 300mhz easily :p

can't guess :D
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We really dont know yet what the GP2X can really do..for all we know they are being all secretive because it may be more powerful than it looks..
Rumor has it the proccessor is UNDER clocked to 200mhz but it really is 266mhz!

Now if that was true this would be quite a power house, and who knows if it could then be OVER clocked to a speed like 300mhz.

Then again, it all depends ;P
reallynotnick posted on Oct 30 2005 at 09:33 AM said:
Rumor has it the proccessor is UNDER clocked to 200mhz but it really is 266mhz!

Now if that was true this would be quite a power house, and who knows if it could then be OVER clocked to a speed like 300mhz.

Then again, it all depends ;P

Man, that just sends tingles down my spine...
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GP2X posted on Mar 28 2006 at 06:14 AM said:
I Can't Run GP32 Stuff Eather

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