GP32 on Gamezville (Sky one)

yeah gamezvile is fairly naff. but its better than pokemon or voyager repeats.
and their games guru isnt much of a guru but a guy in a box room with a cloak and a dodgy haircut
Sounds sweet, but surely they wont let you talk about emulation...legality and all that shiz?
Why bother when you can run GeePee32 with far less hassle?

Edit: Duh! Wrong end of stick. Ignore this post...move along, move along.
Well hopefully they'll give it more time than the 10 seconds the atari joystick got...... Don't forget to call it "wicked" and "proper bo" before the presenter mentions that he's never played it and gives it 5 G's. If you could punch the Gamezguru in the face I'd appreciate it too, thanks.
Isn't that like another countries version of our highly annoying gamefarm and 'less lame but still....' X-play ? (angry, you need to contact Tech TV and X-play and spread da word! :D, but sober up beforehand ;) :P I'm messin' with ya, good to know though. You've been a great part of the community)
Sorry, Azure, got my threads in a muddle (was reading up on someone linking a GP32 to a big telly) whilst trying to watch telly. Edited.