Gp32 No Longer Loading Games?


Still Fresh
Sep 3, 2004
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After digging my old GP32 BLU out of the cupboard, I tried playing a few games on it, but nearly all of them fail to load. All but 2 games and 1 program either reset the GP32, or freeze during loading.

GPSpout, GP Paint and Sonic 2 (with an early version of Dr MD) are the only ones that load, all the others like Nazcadreams, GP32 War, Noiz2sa, SmashGP freeze or reset before loading (all the Fenix ones flash to the Fenix screen for a split second then freeze), Beats of Rage loads the PAK file but freezes after the "NOT Licensed by Sega" screen. Even Sonic 1 and Mean Bean Machine just freeze Dr MD.

I've tried multiple sets of brand new batteries but they all still produce the same result. Does anyone know what could be the problem with this? It's not been flashed and uses the basic UK GP32 BLU firmware with a 128mb Smartmedia card (all of which worked fine for over 2 years)
I would try using another SmartMedia card, otherwise sounds like there is a more serious problem. Try reflashing as a last resort maybe.

Flipside said:
After digging my old GP32 BLU out of the cupboard, I tried playing a few games on it, but nearly all of them fail to load. All but 2 games and 1 program either reset the GP32, or freeze during loading.

GPSpout, GP Paint and Sonic 2 (with an early version of Dr MD) are the only ones that load, all the others like Nazcadreams, GP32 War, Noiz2sa, SmashGP freeze or reset before loading (all the Fenix ones flash to the Fenix screen for a split second then freeze), Beats of Rage loads the PAK file but freezes after the "NOT Licensed by Sega" screen. Even Sonic 1 and Mean Bean Machine just freeze Dr MD.

I've tried multiple sets of brand new batteries but they all still produce the same result. Does anyone know what could be the problem with this? It's not been flashed and uses the basic UK GP32 BLU firmware with a 128mb Smartmedia card (all of which worked fine for over 2 years)
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Flipside said:
After digging my old GP32 BLU out of the cupboard, I tried playing a few games on it, but nearly all of them fail to load. All but 2 games and 1 program either reset the GP32, or freeze during loading.

GPSpout, GP Paint and Sonic 2 (with an early version of Dr MD) are the only ones that load, all the others like Nazcadreams, GP32 War, Noiz2sa, SmashGP freeze or reset before loading (all the Fenix ones flash to the Fenix screen for a split second then freeze), Beats of Rage loads the PAK file but freezes after the "NOT Licensed by Sega" screen. Even Sonic 1 and Mean Bean Machine just freeze Dr MD.

I've tried multiple sets of brand new batteries but they all still produce the same result. Does anyone know what could be the problem with this? It's not been flashed and uses the basic UK GP32 BLU firmware with a 128mb Smartmedia card (all of which worked fine for over 2 years)
I have a simular problem to much lesser extent. I used to be able to run black tiger for the gp32 and now it doesn't run, it just resets the gp32. I've redownloaded the game and I've put the smc card in the reader and ran it from geepee32 and it ran fine! I tried multiple smc cards including a brand new one. It simply will not run this game. It used to not run ghostpix, but that just started working again one day. It all started one day when I reformated my smc card to use smaller allocation units so I could fit more games on the card. IT worked great, but then this problem. I though about re-flashing, but then I read the bios off of the machine and used it with geepee2x and it was still able to run the game! Talk about frustrating. Much more complicated stuff runs on it fine and now just this one game won't run, makes me feel like my gp32 is broken.

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Ok, I'll try putting some of the games onto my spare 32mb card, just gotta dig my old Windows 98 machine out of the cupboard first.

What happens if it turns out that it isn't a problem with the Smartmedia card though, and it's a problem with the GP32, is there any places that will repair GP32s?
Right, well I've given it a try with my 32mb SmartMedia card, and it still is messing up with everything I put on it.

Noiz2sa and an older version of SmashGP lock up just after the standard GP32 loading screen

Nazcarunners flash between black and white screens a few times, then gets to the Fenix screen (wouldn't do that on the 128mb card) but comes up with some error message.

Dr MD loads, but when it scans the directory for games, it comes up with 2 blank selections and the "Re-scan directory" is all garbled. If I select the garbled Re-scan option it says that it's Scanning 3 of 5 and then freezes, but I only put 3 Mega Drive games on there (not 5) and no SMS or GG ones.

WMA/MP3 Player works, but when you try to change song it gets black bands appear vertically down the right hand side of the screen for a few seconds.

So yeah, I'm kinda at a loss at what to do now, it's not the SmartMedia card or the batteries, it's never been plugged into a wall adapter, the GP32 itself is in superb condition and has never taken even a slight knock and it's never been flashed (or even had other firmware booted on it)