GP32 Gp32 Mirko Sdl Eabi Version 4 Libraries


Certified Guru
Nov 9, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Same thing as my other post. Is Mr. Mirko still around? Can he whip up his library with devkitarm r20 so that it's EABI version 4 compatible?

Hard to do anything for the GP32 coding comp if the tools aren't up to date. :-(
slaanesh said:
Same thing as my other post. Is Mr. Mirko still around? Can he whip up his library with devkitarm r20 so that it's EABI version 4 compatible?

Hard to do anything for the GP32 coding comp if the tools aren't up to date. :-(
Solved :p , if someone understand spanish, i have posted a soltion that is working for me, recompiling and doing a few patches on Chui's SDK independent libraries and SDL4GP!!

If anyone else is interested ill post the info here...

Long life to the king gp32_console !

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I'm very interested too and also how to get debugging over USB working. I'm new to GP32 coding so I haven't a clue yet about EABI or anything GP32 specific really nor where to download the necessary files. A setup guide for devkitARM with SDL and links to neccessary file downloads would be very much appreciated!
kidchaos2k6 said:
Solved :p , if someone understand spanish, i have posted a soltion that is working for me, recompiling and doing a few patches on Chui's SDK independent libraries and SDL4GP!!

If anyone else is interested ill post the info here...

Long life to the king gp32_console !

Would it be possible to add this to yaustar's code::block dev environment ? If homebrew devs just had to select a target build to also generate a GP32 version, that would surely deserve a special prize in the_Diabologic's Gp32 Revival Coding Compo. I don't think there are many home brew games that run on the GP2X that would be too demanding for the GP32. It would be the single most significant factor in a GP32 revival.

In any case, thank you Kidchaos2k6, I too, would greatly appreciate it if you would post your solution here :).
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Fawny Kate said:
Would it be possible to add this to yaustar's code::block dev environment ?

In any case, thank you Kidchaos2k6, I too, would greatly appreciate it if you would post your solution here :).
Dont mention, i have made a few patches which luckily worked...

About codeblocks, im sorry but never used it,...

Well, a few explanations: Basically, im using chui's SDL4GP libs with the x_gp32 SDK that its included, and everything has to be compiled from source. Im using the latest EABI DKARM which works swell for me...

- First compile x_gp32 using -DREENTRANT_SYSCALLS_PROVIDED and -specs=gp32.specs (ie i use the link scripts from DKARM, not the ones included), also in syscalls i changed all file functions _xxxx to _xxxx_r (ie _read to _read_r, _write to _write_r, etc...)...

- I took from any crt0x_gp32.s on the example dir this code and created this initGP function, and you can use Mymain() or whatever you like as standard entry point for your app, but remember to call this first...

void initGP()
asm volatile(" \n"
" bl SmcInit \n"
" mov r1, #8 \n "
" mov r2, #50 \n "
" mov r0, #208666624 \n "
" add r0, r0, #737280 \n "
" bl x_gp32_initFramebuffer \n"
" mov r0, #208666624 \n "
" add r0, r0, #737280 \n "
" bl x_gp32_SetLcdBuffer \n "
" mov r0, #208666624 \n "
" add r0, r0, #737280 \n "
" bl x_gp32_SetPrintBase \n "
" bl x_gp32_init_timer \n "
" \n"
:"r0", "r1", "r2");

int main (int arg_len, char ** arg_v)

Remember that for testing files, do not use gp:\\ but /, like this


- After that you can recompile the rest of the SDL libs and everything works fine (timers, audio, video)...

- Btw, Im also using gptremor libs from the svorbis player and it works with SDL_mixer just changing the ov_ functions, and in OGG_getsome passing unsigned buffers by using "SDL_BuildAudioCVT(cvt, AUDIO_U16,..." the performance is not bad but i wanted to port beat2x to the gp and i think its still not possible :(

I still dont know if this is the best solution, as i have seen that other people prefers the official SDK, and also others talked about the Gp32 RTEMS (never get to compile) which seems to work great and to compile even SDL-1.2.8 ((GP32-AW was an amazing port!!) )...

Anyway, I hope this help some people to do something else with the GP, and im expecting to see the compo gp32_console entries !!


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