GP32 mentioned in GamesTM


Mar 10, 2003
The GP32 has been mentioned in the GamesTM magazine. Here's the snippet from the magazine and this is the cover of the magazine. As far as I can tell, it is for sale in the UK as well as as in Holland, I bought a copy in The Hague :)

It's nice to see this nifty little console in such a big magazine. :)
However, it links to, which links to EMUBoards and gp32emu - so all the newbies will flood into there :D Is that a good or a bad thing, I'm not sure...
Well, they'll prolly find GP32xtreme pretty soon - and GP32emu does need some more people on account of the boards are pretty much deserted. And of course, that's where the newbie faqs are :)

2 Magazine mentions in a week - can't be bad - I wonder where else it'll rear its head lol - GBA magazine next lol.
lets see. in the past 2 months its had!

a sentence in an Edge article
an award from Edge as one of the technical innovations of the year
candidate for something in the GamesTM polls
a review in GamesTM
a review in FHM
and a thing in CVG which apparently wasn't very nice
Well all of those articals are very nice but that still leave this thing pretty much unknown. Its good to see some positive reviews but concidering that you can count the amount of times it has been mentioned in magazines with your fingers it still leaves the gp32 reletivily unknown. I'm sure if you were to go to the book store and count the number of articals on the rack about the GBA today there would be more than the gp32 has had in the past few months.