Gp32 internet??

Mar 4, 2003
i have just looked on sites such as lik-sang and gp32emu and both of them say that gp32 has internet capibilities, what does this mean? any more info? screenshots? or is this just connect it up too a mobile and have some crappy text based internet that costs about £3 a minuite?

cheers, help would be appretiated

I have heard it can 'browse' and 'email', aswell as connect to a mulitplayer server, which is a first on handhelds.

I can find these again, just links to included as you prob know it can do this?
GP32 can't use a mobile phone to connect to the internet until Gamepark releases the connecter add-on. Also, there have been no signs yet of a release date for the web browser or the email program. I was looking forward to these features when I first read them on lik-sang, it's almost false advertising :(
It should say instead that you can play sonic, mario, metroid, pokemon, lemmings, doom and wolfenstein on it but they might get sued.

So i guess false adverts are better than bein honest!!! :D
Don't expect to see any web capabilities unless we do it. I recall reading in a recent interview with GP that they've given up on that.

Now, if I was a good windows programmer, I would write a program that would sync with a data file and viewer on the GP32 and allow me to take my contacts, calender, tasks and email on the go (without input capabilities.. just as a viewer).

If I was a good windows programmer. :/ Unfortunately I wouldn't know how to write something like that... my experiences and knowledge do not extend that far.
I also read that GamePark has scrapped the plans for a mobile internet connector for cell phones and the web browser. It was an interview I think that was on Kinda sucks, but I never really intended to use the GP32 for internet browsing, if I want to surf the net I can always use an internet capable cell phone.
Yup, I agree, its a good thing they have quit the online scene as it will never be very good, will be too costly/time consuming and maybe not out of Korea? Well they seem to struggle without it at the moment, first thing they should do is get someone who speaks English! IMO.
I've read somewhere else that, even if Gamepark give up on browser capabilities, they still working on Flash and Java for the GP32...
Can be fun !!! B)
A number of games have internet options; Little Wizard has a multiplay option via RF and the Net; you can configure an IP and all that. Since I can't read the manual, I've no clue.. I'm assuming you use the RF to talk to a phone and do gprs data with it or something? Anyone have any idea? A handheld fighting game woudl probably have a lot of lag multiplay... so I can't even see it working at all :P

We have to remember that asiatic gprs protocol (I-mode and successor) are way faster than european ones... So i think it can really works well... but not for the moment in our countries...