Still Fresh
I'm going to sell my GBA Sp today because I want a Gp32 instead.
Would be nice to play some games, watch some anime episodes, listen to some relaxing mp3s in school and during my 200km trip to my girlfriend almost every week. With other words, the Gp32 seems great for my demands!
What do u guys think about the Gp32:s near future? Will the scene stay strong and alive?
Can I expect some 16bits well-working emus in the near future? Like to play with sound and to save my games!
Convince me to buy one! (quiet convinced already but always fun to read 
Would be nice to play some games, watch some anime episodes, listen to some relaxing mp3s in school and during my 200km trip to my girlfriend almost every week. With other words, the Gp32 seems great for my demands!
What do u guys think about the Gp32:s near future? Will the scene stay strong and alive?
Can I expect some 16bits well-working emus in the near future? Like to play with sound and to save my games!