Pda Vs Gp32 My Thoughts

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Ok, after tinkering with my Compaq IPAQ 3835 for a few days now, here is what i've come to conclusion of.

First of all my IPAQ has a 206mhz strong ARM processor w/64mb of ram, and I run all my programs from internal memory but keep roms stored on a 128mb SD Card.

The emulation BLOWS. NES and Gameboy are playable with sound at full speed but thats it. Everything else is to damn slow and no sound even with 206mhz behind it.

It's funny how I can play PS1 quality and above 3d games but can't hardly play NES games. The emu scene for palms is nowhere near as good as the GP32's unless you got a powerful palm but i'm not spending $300 on something I can do on my GP32 almost perfectly.

I recommend if you are deciding on a pocket pc or GP32, depending on your preferences either are good in their own ways. For emulation, go for GP32, for commercial games, PPC.

Also, movies and mp3s are alot easier to watch and play on my ppc and are better quality. also my ppc can go online which at this time the GP32 cannot. For $130, I still think i got a great deal on a very good palm pc, but the emulation scene is not has good as i thought it was.
I must admit what you say is true...
I switched recently from a GP32FLU to a X30 624MHz (with 64M of RAM) and even now SNES or Genesis is not playable fullspeed with sound...
In other hand : FF7 is fully playable...FF9 too...:)
A PDA is very expensive but it sounds better if you wanna do something else than emulation..
There are a lot of commercials games, still enjoyable emu : gb©/gba/(s)nes...
internet bluetooth wifi silkscreen is also cool...

keep the GP32 going : it is a wonderful gaming machine :D

see you :lol:
pAiN you have to remember that although your ipaq has a 200 mhz processor it is also running the emulator on top of windows portable 2002/3 which is going to bog it down a bit. Palm OS has a smaller overhead but it's still there.

Although I do believe the emulators are worse anyway.

Also, why do you say to go to ppc for commercial games? There's barely anything worth mentioning on the ppc gaming front. For commercial games get a gba but don't look to a ppc for them.
but u can OC your PDA to 500 + mhz....... and it is perfect at that speed.....even psx emu with sound.

i love my pda lol but still love my GP32
thats weird washo
i've heard from lots of people that the x30 and x50 play snes full speed with sound

one of these days gp32 will have full speed snes with sound with saves
I must admit what you say is true...
I switched recently from a GP32FLU to a X30 624MHz (with 64M of RAM) and even now SNES or Genesis is not playable fullspeed with sound...
In other hand : FF7 is fully playable...FF9 too...:)
That's very odd. I have a 400 MHz Asus MyPal and it runs Genesis/SNES playable with audio, but I don't do it because it's hard to control.

I think that FF7 would be good because it's an RPG and doesn't need fine controls ... I must ask though how do you store it on your PocketPC? It must be ~500mb a CD...
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I started off with an old Pocket PC (ipaq 3970), got an Asus MyPal 620 and the improvement was amazing.

Plays most GBA games full speed, some games have weird muffled sound but Mario Kart Advanced works so i'm happy ! SNES and Genesis all work full speed with sound. I'm a huge fan of Megamame on Pocket PC's and even though the sounds a bit off the speed is 100% and i've got about 80 games working fine. To me the Asus has the best 'gamepad' out there compared to some other PPC's. The Dells seem to be a great buy, great speed and a good price but the control pad thingie doesnt seem the best.

I then bought a GP32, amazing controls compared to a PPC, sadly SNES is not 100% full speed but very close, GBA games will never work on it but it seems that MAME games will soon.

The latest PPC's are very good, if they did ever bring one out with gameboy style controls, eg joypad on the left, buttons on the right it would be great.

Never tried PSX on my PPC though. The Asus are quite cheap nowadays on ebay and well worth getting. Got a 1 gig card with it which holds a ton of roms/movies etc.
what do you use to overclock your pda? None of the emus that i've tried have clockspeed as an option.
The emus cant overclock.

i use XCPUScalar, its very good, u can try it for free but then u have to pay for it, but if i kno where to look u can get it for......"cheap" :rolleyes:

i will post a pic of the psx emu running Dragonball Final bout at 60 + fps :)
mine would be good with that, has a 3.8" backlit screen with pocket windows 2002 that has windows media player already pre installed.