well its been a long long time since i've used my gp32, so all this is from my bad memory... oh, and i just found this:
which should help you understand...
Oh, the dreaded freelauncher. Back in the GP32's infancy, it wasn't an open platform, and, because of this, the original firmware did not include support for homebrew software (generally in the .fxe file type). To solve this, Gamepark made the freelauncher, which worked pretty well. This freelauncher, however, had to be made to correspond with your GP32's unique GPUID (or your GP32's unique ID). Once again, that was fine... until Gamepark stopped offering it on their website.
Therefore, you could only run 'official' gamepark programs (i.e. next to none). Freelauncher is one of these, which allows your gp32 to run your .fxe programs (nearly all homebrew). This includes running the program to install a new firmware. New homebrew firmwares where created which let you run programs without freelauncher.
Finally GP made it so their new official firmware (the euro one with the bouncing logo) no longer needed the freelauncher, all homebrew stuff would run as is. Unfortunatley you seem to have downgraded to the old firmware. :rolleyes:
Ok, so here is the problem...
1)you must upgrade you firmware or install freelauncher to run homebrew
2)the firmware you have will not let you update the firmware without freelauncher
3)gamepark no longer offer freelauncher
remember the freelauncher has to be encoded to your specific gp32 (actually, i think it is possible to encode it for a smc too, look into that if you really can't get this working). To find your puid you need to connect you gp32 to the pc. there was a solution that involved logging into #gp32 and giving your puid, and then you could download the freelauncher that had been encoded for this puid. Not sure if this is still working.
Recommended solution (i haven't tried it):
1)download the cracked version off the archive.
2)plug your gp32 into your pc.
3)Turn on your gp32 and go to pc-link or something (can't remember)
4)load the crack program on your pc (zpkinstaller.exe). now, i've never used this, but it seems to me what it does is takes a zpk file (an installation file for gp32) and encodes it to your specific puid, and installs it. so...
5) click "add" and browse to the gp_launc.zpk file that is included.
6)select "encrypt by pduid" in the drop down list
7)click connect
8)click start
The crack should encode the free launcher and install it on your gp32.
Some things to try if that does not work:
make sure the gp32 drivers are installed on your pc -
install gpmanager and connect to your gp32 and format you smc -
for more info check the link i posted at the top of this post