What the fecks up with my spelling?I would ay if youve had loads of fun with your gp32 and you think you would like more, jump ship now. Its more exiteing now, every day yuo get a buzz looking at the file aechives and seeing whats new. I dont think in a years time that the pace of things will be the same. B)
Yes, the gp32 was difficult when it first came out. You had to register your gp32 on gameparks crappy site and run a couple applications and then they would send you a file launcher which is what you used to run homebrew. And it was a painful process that many people had problems with. The gp2x is, imho, much easier to use (although that could be because I have experience with getting used to the gp32.....).Was the GP32 hard to use when it first came out (and when was that?)? Did it have similar problems to the GP2X in getting it to function?
Can the GP2X emulate everything that the GP32 can currently??
Just wanting to know as I might sell my GP32 BLU if the GP2X can do all the same + more...
What? GB/C runs perfectly with sound on the GP2X (not overclocked).