Hi all,
After seeing bits of code slathered up in the forums all over the place, and people complaining that people don't visit their website to see their code etc (Aquafish
), I decided to create a little GP32 code repository that anybody can add code to:
So far there is only one snippet - Aquafishs BMP saving code from a post a day or so ago. I am hoping that this repository can become sort of like the code version of (which is for compiled software). It can only become like this if people are willing to upload bits of code to it, so please - if you have some little bits of code, please upload it
My suggestion for how it should work is:
When someone on the forum asks for some code, instead of pasting it on the forum (or as well as), go to the site, add the code snippet, and then paste the link that it generates for you in the forum. That way the code is all in one place, in a database, searchable etc!
Its in progress, so features will be added to the site as I have time. At the moment, I need some help:
1) I need a list of SDKs. So far I have 'Official SDK' and 'Mr Mirkos SDK'
2) I need a list of compilers for GP32. So far I have 'DevKitARM' and 'DevKitADV'. What else is there? (e.g. Fenix)
3) I need a list of languages for GP32. So far I have c, c++, asm, fenix
4) I need some category suggestions. ALthough you can add these on the fly, I would like to have some to start with. So far I have very few.
Anyway, check it out
After seeing bits of code slathered up in the forums all over the place, and people complaining that people don't visit their website to see their code etc (Aquafish
So far there is only one snippet - Aquafishs BMP saving code from a post a day or so ago. I am hoping that this repository can become sort of like the code version of (which is for compiled software). It can only become like this if people are willing to upload bits of code to it, so please - if you have some little bits of code, please upload it
My suggestion for how it should work is:
When someone on the forum asks for some code, instead of pasting it on the forum (or as well as), go to the site, add the code snippet, and then paste the link that it generates for you in the forum. That way the code is all in one place, in a database, searchable etc!
Its in progress, so features will be added to the site as I have time. At the moment, I need some help:
1) I need a list of SDKs. So far I have 'Official SDK' and 'Mr Mirkos SDK'
2) I need a list of compilers for GP32. So far I have 'DevKitARM' and 'DevKitADV'. What else is there? (e.g. Fenix)
3) I need a list of languages for GP32. So far I have c, c++, asm, fenix
4) I need some category suggestions. ALthough you can add these on the fly, I would like to have some to start with. So far I have very few.
Anyway, check it out