GP32 Adaptor


Still Fresh
Aug 25, 2003
Today i bought an universal power adaptor which i planned to use for my GP32. But when i came home, none of the 8 sticks fitted inside my GP32.

I read on these forums in another post that you can use a GBA Adaptor, if you switch the polarity. Is it the official one you're talking about ? if there is an official one of course...

And else, do you have good ideas for places i can buy an adaptor over the internet ? or if i buy it in danish shops, any good brands ?

Please help me as im getting sick and tired of recharging those stupid batteries...

I wonder why this thread got deleted before... i think it was a part of the server down thing.
I've got this problem too, buying batteries all the time is getting a bit expensive and I can't seem to find a good adapter for the gp32 in the shops here :(
Okay listen up all of you, Head down to radio shack and buy a Power Bank(dont worry its only 14.99), The good thing about power bank is that it can run at 3v-9v and its a battery recharger(get rechargebles now, stop staring at the screen, get off your ass and get some it'll be worth it), it can recharge up to four batteries. Now the most important thing buy an A size plug head, dont worry it supports positive and negative.

If you live in the uk, I'm not sure if they have a radio shack but there probally is.
ok, here is a cheap, kinda lazy solution and you don't have to worry about accidentaly switching the polarity and blowing up your precious gp32 ;)
geta gba power adapter and switch the wires that are coming out of it:
if one is all black and one has a white stripe switch them.
this should be pretty cheap ad small ;)
Some people call them gba adaptors, and some say its only the gbc ones that works... what is the truth ? I dont wanna buy a gba adaptor and then find out it doesnt work.

I live in Denmark so it dont really have the opportunity to go to eg. Radio shack... we should have some shops like it though, so i hope my trip to town the day after tommorow ends good, with a working adaptor with me...
I've got a adapter for my gameboy color, but it's only 200mA.
I live in holland and we don't have "Radio Shack" here <_<

this is what the sticker on the back off my adapter says:

MODEL: Kings 35G-3-200
INPUT: 230V - 50Hz
OUTPUT: 3V ====(something like this) 200mA


and then some stupid symbols and the text "made in china"

can I use this for my gp32 by reversing the wires??
From last April.

User: Corellian Corvette
Date: Apr 28 2003, 08:53 PM

Hey everyone - saw some discussion on AC adapters for GP32.

Went to Radio Shack and got one for $13.99. They have a wall of generic adapters, and you are allowed one custom plug for free.

The part number you need is 273-1755 3V AC Adapater, 500mA
The plug you need is the Type A plug.

You will put the plug in with the (-) alligned with (tip) to get the correct polarity.
ok, thanks. I'll see if I can find that adaptor in any stores around here....
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if u live in the u.k go to argos and get the cheapest power adapter, thats the one im using.