Gp32 2 Is Fake

I'm sure CraigIX once said Gamepark make more than 100% profit on each GP32 sold (ie they sell it for twice what it costs to make) and that they've sold more than 20,000 units. That must mean they've made about £1,000,000 just from hardware sales.

Knock off development costs, marketing costs and staff wages for a few years and I doubt you'd be left with much profit. I suppose the question is do Gamepark see just about breaking even on a project a good enough reason to release a successor?

Deep Thought posted on Feb 12 2005 at 12:23 AM said:
Financially speaking, I think most people already know that the Gp32 isn't GamePark's only product. They've shown the financial ability in the past and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to develop and release a new console. Plus, as GamePark itself has said on the English support forums on their website, the Gp32's successor is being developed in secrecy. That kind of implies that something is being developed...

tell us more about gamepark's other products please... i didn't know anything about it...
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kickin_wing, I think that you aren't looking at Gamepark from the correct perspective. I do not doubt that you know about business, but you have to realize that Gamepark is a small South Korean firm. We do not know how many people they employ, what sort of expenses they must pay or much of anything about them.

From looking at the photos of the Gamepark team on Gp32Europe, it leaves me believing that Gamepark might not employ much more than 20 individuals, which I think is pretty reasonable.

I saw an interview that was conducted in 2002 (I can find it if you want.. I'm just kinda lazy right now, so you'll have to trust me) where a Gamepark employee stated that the had sold 15,000 Gameparks. I think that's before the FLU was released (or just about the same time), and I know that it's LONG before the BLU got released. So I would wager to say that Gamepark has sold a LOT more than that by now. I'd say at the very least 50,000.

They recently became Gamepark Holdings... I don't know what that means really, but it sounds as if it's some sort of expansion of their company.

Gamepark doesn't market because they don't need to. It's not, and was never planned to be, a great mainstream success. It has suceeded to meet Gamepark's expectations (that can be seen with the fact that there are 3 variations of the system).

They aren't dying as you claim. There's been a lot of activity in the company in just the last year and in the last month or so (with the release of the new English site and direct download of games). I see no reason they couldn't handle the release of another console. An average mainstream console costs millions of dollars to launch; much of that is marketing and production of a couple million units. Gamepark wouldn't market much and would probably produce a few 10's of thousands of units... that translates to a much, much cheaper launch.

With all that said, I see no reason that Gamepark would be unable to develop and release another system.

And sorry for the long post. :o
Juat incase KickinWing was wodnering, Gameoark have made more profit off the GP32 than SONY Have made of the PS2, yest SONY are still developing a PS3

how intresting

its not always about immediate profit, forward planning is crucial. They have learnt lessons from GP32 and even a marginall market share would be clased as a success
You're kidding right? Sony have made a fortune off the PS2! They can initially sell the hardware at a loss because a cut of EVERY game sold goes to them. Eventually the cost of the hardware comes down as well and they make money there too. It's what they did with PS1, PS2 and will do with PS3.

The GP32 is open source (so no direct revenue stream from software) and the official games have not exactly sold well, so that isn't a viable revenue stream either. Gamepark make their money from the hardware sold so have not made huge amounts but have probably made enough to produce a successor.

I like how shitty people that have no concept of economics whatsoever, no idea what goes on behind the scenes at Gamepark, and no information relating to current financial status of the company proclaim themselves qualified to declare the "death of Gamepark" and "the GP32 was a failure", basing their shitty worthless claims on shitty bullshit such as "it's not sold as big as the PS2 OR the GBA!".
As I said before, it all comes down to whether GP think that the revenue raised by the GP32 is worth releasing successor. I'm inclined to think that they do and they will.

The other issue is whether a successor would also be opensource in the same way as the GP32. Given that the success the GP32 has enjoyed has been almost entirely based on it's opensource nature, I'm also inclined to think that it will be.

However, this all relies on GP seeing the strengths and successes of the GP32 the same way that we do. I guess time will tell...

johncross85 posted on Feb 15 2005 at 07:54 AM said:
You're kidding right? Sony have made a fortune off the PS2! They can initially sell the hardware at a loss because a cut of EVERY game sold goes to them. Eventually the cost of the hardware comes down as well and they make money there too. It's what they did with PS1, PS2 and will do with PS3.

The GP32 is open source (so no direct revenue stream from software) and the official games have not exactly sold well, so that isn't a viable revenue stream either. Gamepark make their money from the hardware sold so have not made huge amounts but have probably made enough to produce a successor.

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johncross85 posted on Feb 15 2005 at 11:54 AM said:
You're kidding right? Sony have made a fortune off the PS2! They can initially sell the hardware at a loss because a cut of EVERY game sold goes to them. Eventually the cost of the hardware comes down as well and they make money there too. It's what they did with PS1, PS2 and will do with PS3.

The GP32 is open source (so no direct revenue stream from software) and the official games have not exactly sold well, so that isn't a viable revenue stream either. Gamepark make their money from the hardware sold so have not made huge amounts but have probably made enough to produce a successor.



SONY have made pittance off of the PS2

both SONY and Microsoft are fighting for market share as opposed to profit

they loose money on the console, and also buying exclusive rights to GTA etc. which isnt for profit, its so more peopel will buy a PS2

their biggest problem is that liscensing fees are low and manty of the few SONY made games are nt as good as the competition

Microsoft and Nintendo on the other hand publish a lot of the games on the console and therefore gain a lot of software profit
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A cut of EVERY PS2 game released goes to Sony regardless of who publishes it. PS2 games sell by the bucketload. Therefore Sony makes a fortune.


EDIT: A quote from

The division (videogames) recorded revenues of 282.6 billion Yen (2.1 billion Euro) in the three months ended December 31st, while operating income fell by 36.8 per cent in the same period - down to 44.6 billion Yen (331 million Euro).