Gp2x Windows Xp Dectection Error


Still Fresh
Nov 18, 2005
I have just received my GP2X today and I put the batteries in and plug in the USB cable and connected it to my Windows Xp machine - Windows then said that it had found new hardware but then said that it was unable to install it due to hardware/driver error. I tried it on two different Windows machines and got the same error. Has any one got any ideas why I can't get my GP2X to talk to my computer do I need to install a GP2X driver/software app. I would greatly appreciate any help that anyone could give as at the moment i can't transfer data to my GP2X.
EDIT: Bad advice below. Do NOT do this!

You may have to format the SD card in order for Windows to recognise it as a drive. Type 'compmgmt.msc' in the Run command and click on Disk Management. If your GP2X is hooked up to your PC and in the USB mode, you should see an entry that's around the same size as your card. Format this using the FAT32 file format.

A word of warning though, I'm currently having trouble with a similar problem so I guess I'm not the best person to listen to. The blind leading the blind :P
I have tried the patch and I still can't get the device to work in device manager it’s displayed as [USB Mass Storage Device] but with a yellow quotation mark - and windows advises that it was unable to load the device properly. Do you think I have a faulty device as I have tried it on two different computers - one thing I forgot to add before is that I have a 1GB SD Card in the device. I haven't been able to try a different cable as i haven't got one do you think i should try to take it back the place i bought it from and get it replaced?

Thanks For Your Help
I wouldn't get it replaced as it seems that it's a firmware issue, so a replacement will have exactly the same fault. Just buy a card reader instead, much easier and less hassle.
i'm scared of this... i don't have my gp2x yet but in case, how much does a card reader cost?
Try this for those of you having problems with XP detecting the device but showing it with a yellow exclamation mark in Device Manager:

Open Device Manager, expand Universal Serial Bus controllers, right click and disable USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller. (May be called something similar, but not identical, however this disabled USB 2 support and fixed it on my laptop)