Gp2x Was Stolen...

Aug 5, 2006
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but my GP2X was stolen. The reason I'm posting is for that small chance that some one who may live in my general area finds some one trying to sell one that has a 2gb patriot sdcard in it. I live in the San Francisco bay area for those who are wondering. Thank you everyone.
Dude, so harsh! Sadly, it will probably end up in some pawn shop and only fetch 10$ because they won't know what it is. If I see it in West Virginia, I'll let you know. :(
mindlord said:
Dude, so harsh! Sadly, it will probably end up in some pawn shop and only fetch 10$ because they won't know what it is. If I see it in West Virginia, I'll let you know. :(
Well, if you find one in WV for $10, buy it and I'll send you enough money for shipping and the price of the device :D, but seriously thank you.
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Alex. said:
How did it get stolen?
Stupidity on my part. I thought I had brought it in because I usually leave my windows down during the day time, and I came home from work and it was in my car and I left the windows down because I was supposed to go out after so I gave it no mind, but I ended up not leaving and accidentally left it in my truck where some one plucked it over night I assume. I feel so stupid for doing that because I know better, especially in my neighborhood.
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Man that sucks, I'm sorry! :(

I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later, if at all. I told everyone I know to not send me any parcels as I fear they might get nicked too .. Don't trust anyone you don't know I say and think of your possessions at all times and make sure you know where they are even if you are not using them at the moment.

I hope you find another GP2X cheap somewhere, go get a F200 if you can, I'm sure you'd like it!

SunSpire said:
Man that sucks, I'm sorry! :(

I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later, if at all. I told everyone I know to not send me any parcels as I fear they might get nicked too .. Don't trust anyone you don't know I say and think of your possessions at all times and make sure you know where they are even if you are not using them at the moment.

I hope you find another GP2X cheap somewhere, go get a F200 if you can, I'm sure you'd like it!

Its sad that is how it is now, it shouldn't be.. it really shouldn't be but it is..
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quadomatic said:
Wow man, that reallllly sucks. What a douche, stealing something from your car.

I hope it turns up. Keep an eye on eBay.
Ebay and craiglist. My friend found his stolen stereo on craigslist.
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SunSpire said:
Man that sucks, I'm sorry! :(

I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later, if at all. I told everyone I know to not send me any parcels as I fear they might get nicked too .. Don't trust anyone you don't know I say and think of your possessions at all times and make sure you know where they are even if you are not using them at the moment.

I hope you find another GP2X cheap somewhere, go get a F200 if you can, I'm sure you'd like it!


Since the police or mailman won't do anything about this (unless you want a post office box), I would plant a fake piece of mail containing some ajax powder and death threat (to you). Then the stupid person will think they've just been anthraxed and will get their just deserts.
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I got my GP2X stolen last year. It was at a large sailing club, and I had no idea who did it. Thinking fast, I went to the main office, and asked the ladys who work there (They are a my friends. :) ) and asked them a favor. They called out over the intercom that an important device had been stolen from someone, and that its internal GPS tracker had informed them that its position was somewhere in the east boat yard (Where all the visitors park).

Nothing happened at first, so I kept looking. 30 minutes later, I walk by the office... And there it is. Someone had ditched it in front of the office doors. Thank goodness the GP2X is an obscure enough device for them to believe the announcement! They probably had no idea what they had nicked. ;)
palmertech said:
I got my GP2X stolen last year. It was at a large sailing club, and I had no idea who did it. Thinking fast, I went to the main office, and asked the ladys who work there (They are a my friends. :) ) and asked them a favor. They called out over the intercom that an important device had been stolen from someone, and that its internal GPS tracker had informed them that its position was somewhere in the east boat yard (Where all the visitors park).

Nothing happened at first, so I kept looking. 30 minutes later, I walk by the office... And there it is. Someone had ditched it in front of the office doors. Thank goodness the GP2X is an obscure enough device for them to believe the announcement! They probably had no idea what they had nicked. ;)
I guess the "device" being called a "GP2X" which sounds very similar to GPS might have helped too.
Maybe that name's not so useless after all ;)

Let's hope whoever took novaslogic gp2x doesn't read along here, or if he does then at least has the guts to come forward .. good luck anyways!

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another thing about it getting stolen was it was my car stereo too since some one stole that last year. Guess people don't want me to have music in my car.
palmertech said:
They called out over the intercom that an important device had been stolen from someone, and that its internal GPS tracker had informed them that its position was somewhere in the east boat yard (Where all the visitors park).
that is by far the funniest thing i've read in a while. :lol: glad to know you got it back tho!

and to the OP... that sucks man! :( my dad had an old HP Jornada stolen the same way, and as in your case i don't think the thieves knew what they took.
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SunSpire said:
I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later
There is a simple solution to this: have a hole in the door for post :P.
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Orkie said:
SunSpire said:
I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later
There is a simple solution to this: have a hole in the door for post :P.

You mean...some kind of
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